The rhythmic gym owner who has enlisted Instagram

Digits at the time of writing this article:

  • More from 500,000 views on YouTube.
  • More from 8 million reproduction and the perfect Twitter of the UCLA Artistic Gymnasium team (@uclagymnastics).
  • More from 2.5 million reproduction and el Instagram of the same team (@uclagymnastics).

    All of them have a general vision of what supestuates in social speeches the magnificent exercise of rhythmic gymnasium executed by Nia Dennis, student of last course in the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), a champion in which his team faces Arizona’s rivals.

    Dennis approved the opportunity to help make a homage tol ‘Black Power’ –De hecho, ha levantado el puño comos los atletas de los años 70– and the Black Lives Matter movement. The elusive songs are from rappers like Kendrick Lamar, Soulja Boy or Tupac. Also from Beyoncé, Missy Elliott … Here is the explanation in the back row of the press: “This routine reflects all that I have to say today as women and, by supuesto, my culture”.

    Routinely, the gym quiz incorporates TikTok choreography details, also representing what tastes good for its generation, and where the perfect ejaculation takes place score of 9,950 on 10.

    Nia Dennis announced the February 2012 announcement with an experience that includes various Beyoncé songs, y lo ha vuelto a repetir.

    This content is imported from Twitter. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.

    Dennis is one of the most artistic gymnasts to have a new way of practicing this sport, following the message from Simone Biles, quien hizo historia al convertirse en la prima gimnasta al llevarse cuatro medallas de oro en unos Juegos Juegos.

    Exactly Biles has side one of the first to congratulate Dennis af Twitter tras ver la ejecución del eiercicio: “Haz esa maldita cosa, chica ¡fue muy divertido de ver! Sigue dándole! ”.

    This content is imported from Twitter. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.

    We have a couple of years, we are talking about another great UCLA sportswoman, Katelyn Ohashi, which features a 10 in an incredible solo version featuring the music of Jackson 5 and Michael Jackson.

    This content is imported from Twitter. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.

    Ya tienes tu ‘chute’ of energy for today. For today, and quizzes for all the years, that all will appear and that we need …

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