The result of a Trump casino meeting in New Jersey | International

Atlantic City is the director, Louis Malle, who turned the director Louis Malle back to Susan Sarandon for the dissolution of the brazos de jugo de limón ante and Burt Lancaster absorto, and a drama crepuscular tan contenido como erótico. Pero Atlantic City is also here, Donald Trump mediante, the scenario of a performance dynamite with symbolic pretension: to convert into exchanges, also physically, any huella of the former Republican.

The announced demolition of a hotel-casino due to its property, located in the city of the game and the hotels, the oxidized rivers and the dining room with neon advertisements, it has converted these miracles into a spectacle that nadie is desperate to lose, has the point that many curious he paid to appear in Explained Exhibits and some hotels of the zone ofreciron accommodations with champagne to burn by the derribo, literally hablando, del legado del exmandatario. A posmodern, powerful image: Trump, reduced to exchanges between a colossal powder, casi core. Figuradamente, claro.

Of the three casino hotels that the New York tycoon tucked away in New Jersey City, a roulette and baccalaureate that had the most epoch-making concoctions, the Trump Plaza, with 39 plants and 600 apartments, was flown at a prime time checkpoint de la mañana. Located in the first place, it did not belong to the Republican since it bought the millionaire Carl C. Icahn – who had financed his campaign -, but the Trump brand permanently, from here the morbo de ver como se opacaba entre un lluvia de cascotes. What do the themes of architectural history mean: there is no piercing, only an insular and functional edifice, romo and pacato.

So much so that it’s a waste of time and effort. The reimbursement of the subast, with a salary price of 175,000 dollars (145,000 euros) and an estimate of up to one million, should be used to finance a juvenile organization of the city.

The establishment took place in 1984 during the tree of the game in Atlantic City, the only city that defies the Las Vegas monopoly, with tragic machines that fall as holiday escapes and two women heralds the day of the inauguration of the avalanche that leads to a false fire-fighting, as opposed to the local media on their day. As su apogeo, direct a 6,100 personalities and revive a Trump pingües beneficios. As for the opening of other establishments in the neighboring states -Pensilvania, Delaware, Maryland and New York- marked the beginning of the decline of the city, donde in its day hubo 13 casinos, and hoy solo nuue. The generalization of deportation measures in red and the economic crisis of 2008 proposes a major overhaul of this model of education, and of negotiations, and the Trump Plaza, antiquated, no salvation of the ruin. Closed in 2014, we did not present in 1991 a sales clerk between other intentions of restructuring the business.

Atlantic City, 38,000 inhabitants, no levanta cabeza. Amenazada de quiebra hace un lustro por la crisis de los casinos, el cierre de los locales por el coronavirus dejó el aasso pasado a 27.000 persona en calle, antes de una repertura con cuentagotas. A study by the Brooking Institution analysis center on the impact of the pandemic in metropolitan areas established in March that the New Jersey city will be the third largest golf course in the United States.

The Trump Plaza, which has a solar amplifier and all recyclable lights, has been converted into a cozy and beautiful barracks, from which it stretches heaps of hormones and chapa, explained in December the alkali, the Democrat Marty Small, to announce the demolition and the final benefit of the failed bankruptcy, meanwhile recorded record as Trump is tired of all his convincing people to abandon their properties when they face the crisis. A trumpet version of Take the money and the heart, Woody Allen’s first movie, and as a correspondent, much more chabacana.
