The reconstruction of the Arecibo Observatory cost $ 400 million

San juan – Reconstruction of the Puerto Rico Observatory’s radio telescope costing $ 400 million, estimated by Martardo Gerardo Morell, director of the Puerto Rico Nasa Space Grant .

Morell’s calculus shows that the governor, Wanda Vázquez, has allocated $ 8 million to cover the exchange and disposition of a new radio telescope.

“Exactly 8 million are for the design. It’s an estimated cost that you can afford. But as good physical physics, the approximate calculations are that the number fluctuates over 400 million dollars ”, Morell stated in an interview with the broadcaster Radio Isla 1320.

In agreement with Morell, there were talks between the Director of the Observatory and the administration of the Governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, with the intention of reconstructing the radio telescope, which collapsed on December 1, 57 years ago.

“It is clear that there have been discussions between the Director of the Observatory and the managing administration, that he has not yet been able to concretize with details, but there is the intention to meet in a future,” said Morell.

Through an executive order, the governor declared, in addition, to establish as a public policy the reconstruction of the observatory.

“The Governor of Puerto Rico agrees that the collapse of radio telescopes is a great opportunity to redesign, taking into account the lessons learned and the recommendations of the scientific community that are relevant for decades”, said Váz.

In fact, it has been recorded for over 57 years, it is the installation of a “world prestige function as a research facility with the capacity to carry out scientific descriptions and contributions to national security, scientific investigation and education.

The National Foundation of Senior Citizens (NSF, in English) is the owner of the Arecibo Observatory, located in the north of the island.

The governor of Puerto Rico insists on the fact that dicho is located in the interest of tourists – annually visited by more than 100,000 tourists and scientists.

The radio telescope collapsed on December 1st.

The radiotelescopy platform is undergoing debuts on structural failures that have occurred since the beginning of the month and the NSF has recently announced its dismantling.

The structure has a weight of 900 toneladas and a plate reflector of miles of ancho (a 305 metro).

The first of the broken cases in August to replace one of the cables, although the 6th of November was marked by the resumption of a second which was extremely debilitating.
