The recommended sanitary authorities will pause the use of the Johnson & Johnson vacuum

By Alexander Smith – NBC News

The federal health agencies recommend March to detain the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine against the COVID-19 when a certain amount of people are tested “a rare type and severity of blood clot” tras receive the injection.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, by its seal in English) at the Centers for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC, by its seal in English) will issue a communication on what is recommendeda break in the use of this vacancy by precaution“.

A total of 6.8 million people have received the vaccine of a single injection of this company in the United States. Six years ago the coagulant experimented, according to the agencies: “At the moment, these successful ads are extremely rare”, agregaron.

[¿Qué debo hacer si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson? ¿Estoy en riesgo? ¿Y si tengo cita para vacunarme?]

Johnson & Johnson said in a statement that it was aware that it had notified the presence of song coals with the administration of some vacancies against COVID-19, but “no clear causal relationship has been established among these rare accounts “and in vacancy.

“We work closely with experts and regulators to evaluate the data and support the communication of this information to the professionals of the health and the public”, he said.

The student of the State University of Kent, Marz Anderson, received his vacancy against the COVID-19 of Johnson & Johnson in Kent, Ohio, July 8, 2021.AP Photo / Phil Long

According to the FDA and the CDC, there are six people who suffer from clots and women between 18 and 48 years old. Tenian lo que se llama una cerebral venous thrombosis, or CVST, as well as levels of plaques in the song.

“The treatment of this specific type of coagulation is different from that which is administered”, said the communicator. The coagulas suelen treat with an anticoagulant called heparin, pero the use of this pharmacy could be ugly in the case of CVST, according to the communiqué.

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The CDC will convene a meeting of the Assessors Committee on Immunization Practices, which will provide guidance on vacancies.

If this committee “examines the most of these cases and evaluates their potential imports”, the FDA will also conduct an investigation. “Once this process is complete, we recommend taking a break”, the joint statement said. The FDA is expected to hold a press conference on Tuesday, the 10th of this month.

The petition for a break reflects a situation that is happening in Europe this month.

Some European governments have suspended the administration of the Oxford and AstraZeneca University’s vacancies, but have also revealed a small number of TSV’s coagulated superscripts The AstraZeneca vaccine uses the same type of technology as the Johnson & Johnson injection.

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Of these, the mayor of european countries has resumed the administration of the vaccine, but with a mosaic of different edict restrictions and other directors. There are indications that, as a result of this highly publicized time, the public confidence in this vacancy is less than that available in others.

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The situation in Europe has divided the experts, some of whom claim that the goblins can not ignore the possible relationship, and others say that the break can have increased the infections and the index, given that they excel in the effects of these effects. extremely rare.
