The reasons given by Latin American inversionists selling furniture in EE.UU.

To the surprise of many, the pandemic has not abated with the international market of the United States real estate sector.

Latin American inversionistas are new looking for inverted furniture in EE.UU. to approve the appreciation of the real estate market and benefit from a wide range of interests in a market environment with the most positive action taken by the Latin American administration of Joe Biden.

To the surprise of many, the pandemic has not abated with the international market of the United States real estate sector.

“For me, there is an unimaginable surprise to see that we are coming from the beginning of the pandemic”, said Alan Medellín, who from Bogotá (Colombia) sold furnished apartments in a resort called The Grove Resort & Water Park, near Walt Disney World in Orlando (Florida).


“I would like to start reading to clients, not only Colombia, but also Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Chile,” said the real estate agent in summoned statements by the Top of Mind communication agency.

Medellín says that “because today we can do everything virtually, from teaching a property to buying it, we have many markets”.

“With the disaster that destroys the pandemic, the region’s inversionists say that their only option is to invest in chargers and dollars because they have the most security and tranquility,” said Medellín. previo al covid-19.

On the other hand, there are incentives that the developers in EE.UU. he created to attract international buyers.

For example, The Grove offers a guaranteed return program and a subsidized dollar program, while it has a discount on the exchange rate that benefits the investor.

According to Medellín, many of his clients in Latin America are looking to invest in a more stable economy, and in his country the pandemic has created a deep economic crisis.

EE.UU. It has also been hit hard by the economy and its economy contracted by 3.5% by 2020, the biggest gap since the Second World War, but it is still not comparable to the surpassed economic contraction in Latin American countries.

For example, Mexico will increase its GDP by 8.5% by 2020, according to official figures, the projections for Colombia in Argentina are 6.9% and 10.4% respectively.


Florida, more than any other state in the EU, spends much of its international market on furniture sales.

Miami, Orlando and Tampa are the top three destinations for foreign buyers, according to Florida Realtors, an organization of real estate agents.

Venezuela, Argentina and Colombia are making Latin America the most expensive property in Florida between August 2019 and July 2020, according to Florida Realtors.

A total of 15,600 million during this period, extranjeros de todo el mundo invirtieron, is usually 2% and 16,000 million invertedos in 12 months.

Since June, Florida’s demand for residential properties has exploded, causing a rapid appreciation of furniture.

At the national level the sales in 2020 will increase to the highest level since 2006, following the figures published recently by the National Association of Real Estate Agents.

Only in December, single-family home sales, adjoining homes, condominiums and cooperatives increased 22.2% compared to the same month in 2019.


This request is causing a rapid appreciation of the properties. And Orlando has the preliminary issue of a subir and 5.8% of this stock, says.

Another reason why there is an increase in purchases at EE.UU is the fact that the interest rates are at a historically low level. It is an international tool that can be used in EE.UU to extend its acquisition power.

“Foreign buyers can obtain an interest rate between 3,625% with an initial payment of 40% of the value of the furniture and 7% with an initial payment of 30%”, said Melissa McGlinchey, manager of the Florida International Funding Orchestra in Orlando, in statements submitted by Top of Mind.

The most important way to obtain financial support -agregó- is to be able to demonstrate the proceeds from all the funds that are used for the transaction. All presidency programs for foreigners require a grid of funds for a period of 60 days ”.


Another reason to invest in EE.UU. It’s well known that Latin American investors are welcome to join Joe Biden’s Administration.

His predecessor, Donald Trump, has a hopeful relationship with the region and his governing cause.

Luz Barragán, living in Cali (Colombia), which consists of an amueblado in The Grove (Orlando) and now that Biden is the president is likely to buy another department in the year 2022, says top of Mind.

“If Trump’s hubera ganado, I’m hubera sold my inversion then EE.UU. se iba a la dictadura ”, says Barragán, who is inviting in EE.UU. with the end of what his adult adults can benefit from this herenia in a future.

Barragán decided to buy in Orlando for the theme parks and, therefore, can find his property when he goes to Disney with his hats and his nets in a future.

“What I like most about this inversion opportunity is that The Grove guarantees me a return and, moreover, I admire the resort as we go”, said Barragan of the holiday complex, giving the prices of the apartment apartments at 196,000 dollars .
