The reason for Trevor Bauer’s value of $ 103 million

The best annual paid player in the history of the MLB, Trevor Bauer, no false tantos million as the characters the ponen.

Ademas de que Trevor Bauer won a Cy Young in a short time and no in one of 162 games where the things could change quite well, surging a comparison between another abridgment that has more numbers than he and his salaries do not take.

Numbers of Trevor Bauer:

  • 205 Games
  • 75 victorias-64 derrotas
  • Effectiveness 3.90
  • 1.26 the sweep
  • 103 million dollars over three hours.


  • 224 games
  • 76-67
  • Effectiveness 3.83
  • 1.26 the sweep
  • 24 million dollars per season.

Here is the image:

With the contract of 102 million for three hours, Trevor Bauer won $ 40 million in close proximity, surpassing Mike Trout’s 37 and being the top paid in 2021. Ademas in the 22 won $ 45 million, so no other agent can do better.

No other player in the history of the MLB has spent 40 million or more in a while, Bauer will sell one of the 40 and another 45 million in case of acceptance and no sale of the contract for those entities of the MLB.
