The reaction of Nicolás Maduro’s regime to the EU’s granting the Status of Temporary Protection to Venezuelan migrants

Jorge Arreaza (Europa Press)
Jorge Arreaza (Europa Press)

The Venezuelan regime advertises this month in the EU the “total levantamientoOf the “arbitrary” sanctions on the Caribbean, it is the announcement of the transfer of the Temporary Protection of the Temporary Protection (TPS, in English) to the 320,000 citizens of the South American nation.

“The coherent series is the next step of the new United States Administration. total levantamiento of the arbitrary sanctions that generate suffering and supremacy in the people of Venezuela, as required by the Organization of the United Nations ”, wrote the Venezuelan cancellation on Twitter Jorge Arreaza.

The title of the Venezuelan Exterior replies with this message from the official account of the EEU State Department in Spain announcing Venezuela’s designation for the TPS, “debits in the extraordinary and temporary conditions in Venezuela which impede that the national regress in a secure manner”.

Hours before, the officials of the Governor of the State President, Joe Biden, hicieron el annunio en una llamada con periodistas en la que detallaron que the medium will have a vigil of 18 months, although it will grow, and that alone can benefit those Venezuelans who are in the EU at the end of the day, March 8, 2021.

The TPS is a migration program created in 1990 with the EEUU gives permission for extraordinary forms to immigrants nations affected by violent conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics and other conditions that do not ensure the return of nationals to their countries of origin.

The media officially enters this March, when it is published in the Federal Register, the official bulletin of the Government in which there are readings, dispositions and public opinions.

In the image, Venezuelan citizens in Doral Central Park, in Doral, Miami-Dade, Florida (EE.UU.).  EFE / Giorgio Viera / Archive
In the image, Venezuelan citizens in Doral Central Park, in Doral, Miami-Dade, Florida (EE.UU.). EFE / Giorgio Viera / Archive

From his publication, this March, the venezolanos interesados ​​tendrán 180 días to support this program.

Arreaza also responded to the social red card to the Colombian president, Ivan Duque, who congratulated Biden “for burning the Temporal Protection Statement for miles” of “Venezuelan Germans who were encamped in their country, crying out for humility and the desolation derived from the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro”.

The Minister of External Relations of Venezuela calibrates this message as “all a hypocrisy and farce derroche”.

“Promote the blockade and supremacy of the Venezuelan people, move to evacuate the migrants, avalanche violent plans in its territory to attack Venezuela. Ivan Duque wants to make it happen worldwide that it is a tyrannical and solidarity-bound union, “wrote the Colombian mandate, the most frequent critic of Maduro’s regime’s critics.

(With EFE information)


United States of America the Temporary Protection Status for Venezuelan migrants
EU Congress party parties affirm that Venezuelan immigrants’ support is a blow to Maduro’s dictatorship
