The prophecy of the abbot of Cara Delevingne of the Duke of Edimburg (with Isabel)

The blank and black photo shows a girl named Felipe, with this look that shines on Princess Isabel, and Angela; The post was published by Edwina and which addresses the first of these Delevingne public notices that his abuzzel has a prophecy, which complies with the cavalry, of the ‘royal’ and of the series on the subject.

“I have been living with the principle of Felipe, for 17 years, from vacations in Venice in 1938. I thought I knew this: ‘It will be a good morning for some day’ ‘,” Gieve wrote, saying, “Hamar Greenwood logró prever que a pesar of his gallantry and coquettishness, the exiled principle is capable of compromise.

Asi lo hizo, lasting 73 years, with what logró convert in the consortium most long of the United Kingdom, accompanying at all times to the Queen Isabel II. The instantaneous fue tomada, of agreement with the fecha also published by Cara and Poppy, one year before that Felipe robes the coronation to the hereditary enthrones of the British throne.

The Delevingne / Mountbatten connection

The most interesting of this image, which was written by Edward Delevingne, abuelo of Cara and Poppy, it seems that there is a very direct connection between the British family of the Duke of Edimburg and the models. The father of Angela fue Thomas Hamar Greenwood, nothing less than the first vizconde of Greenwood.
