The principle of Felipe could be the last duke of Edimburg | Sociedad | La Revista

The principle of Philip is the first man to live the title of duke for his matrimony with a Windsor.

The last news about the state of Felipe, Marido de la Reina Isabel II of England, nee han sido alentadoras, because the subject of the heresy of the Duchy of Edimburg is about the month, it is one of the most important titles that the British real estate has to offer.

The king Jorge I created it in 1726 and since then only he has had five people, all the direct relatives of the monarchy in turn, who is what he is, no direct inheritance of fathers and daughters as other titles of the real family.

The principle of Philip is the first man to live on his matrimony with a member of the Windsor family, who is the father of the entourages of Princess Isabel, Jorge VI, if the day is on which matrimony will be contravened.

The principle Felipe de Edimburgo, esposo de la reina Isabel de Inglaterra.

In 1999, it was decided that in order to preserve deberia, it would take another of its heifers. The chosen one is the principle of Edward, the minor of the four houses of the monarchy. Ya que en ese entonces no había demasiadas optionen.

The image is revived. A Hermannian mayor, Carlos, the first princess of Gales, además de haber recibido el ducado de Cornualles el día de su boda met Lady Di, the principle of Andrews was obtained by the Duke of York, from the time he had contracted with Sarah Ferguson.

Lady Diana de Gales

Without embarrassment, the things he changed from those to Andrés, who decision to withdraw from its real functions in the 2019 finals by the scandal that supersedes his presumed eviction with the Epstein case and by the interviewer that preceded the BBC in order to clarify the issues, even some British media are the “empire much”.

The real family is considered as “Mermada”, as the principle of Edward, according to Wessex, is the only option to receive the Edict of Edimburg in this current context, although it was decided in 1999.

The duchy of Edimburgo was condemned to disappear, as it has been 2 weeks in history, although it is included in the accounts of Wessex and his heirs in the intimate intimate part of the Casa Real – which also involves a solution for the work of the monarchy that does not occupy Sussex (Enrique and Meghan). (I)
