The price of dollars in Revolico promedia the 50 CUP

Cuba News

Cubans are accusing the black market of dividing shares over the impossibility of the government to offer this foreign division

The partial dollarization of the Cuban economy and the incapacity of the Cuban government to offer the dollar (USD) in the official banking system at the rate of the exchange rate of 24 Cuban pesos (CUP) for 1 USD, has exceeded the informal market of the sale of divisions in Revolico.

Die beste webwerf, die hoofportaal van die mercado clasificados op Kuba, die presio de oferta del USD promedia los 50 CUP, una cifra que parece aumentar por dias puis a principios del mes de diciembre cuando se anunció del initiation monetario y eliminación del CUC commences to contribute around the 35 CUP.

The price of dollars in Revolico promedia the 50 CUP

The price of dollars in Revolico promedia the 50 CUP. (Collage: Periódico Cubano)

As every market, the exchange of divisions is directed by the offer and demand that dictate that between minor offer mayor is the price that he pays. Precisely the circulation of the USD in Cuba is due to historically minimal, attributable situation to 3 fundamental factors: the ban on the delivery of vegetables to Cuba from the EUU on traditional visas; the dissemination of the Cuban people to the exiled Cubans who visit the Isla and train divided for their guests; and the culmination of the ingress of tourism as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic.

For the sake of demand, there is also an ongoing increase in the number of primary necessity products that can be purchased in Cuba, made by the governor in the new tenets in Moneda Liberemente Convertible (MLC), which is mainly moneda and dollar. Many Cubans buy the USD in the informal market for depositors in their magnetic cards and can buy in tithes.

Others who dedicate themselves to the exits to the exterior in the “mulos” office need to change the diner in CUP of the sales of imported articles from the outside to be able to travel and buy in the exterior with the “Moneda fuerte”.

The rest of the population has also been affected by them over the rise of the prices provoked by a CUP devaluation in the state business sector. Prior to the initiation of monetary order, the economy of the general government sector operates with a change of 1 CUP = 1 USD, for the first year of 2021 now the change rate is 24 CUP = 1 USD for all economic actors.

Without embargo, the private sector does not have access to this 24 × 1 exchange since Cuban banks did not have the availability to sell the monthly currency with which they were forced to return to the informal market to buy the USD 50 CUP to increase their negotiation with insights in the MLC tendencies, must inevitably include the prices of its products and services to the public. The constant inflation of the cual hablaron the principal functionaries that ideas the reforms, like Marino Murillo, ya is a hecho.

The so-called ordinance is united by the peor sanitary pandemic that recovers humanity for some in a serious crisis in Cuba, which has only been compared to the most recent years of the Special Period of the 90s.
