the president prevails new media to fuel petroleum and gas industries

“He was desperate to get ahead of this climatic emergence. We can hope for more, ”said President Joe Biden, launching his ambitious plan to reduce pollution and promote the generation of energy.

Biden has launched a series of executive orders to give a radical change in Donald Trump’s policies in the White House in relation to the climatic change at national and international level.

The plan has as objective reduce emissions of petroleum, gas and carbon and duplicate the production of limp energy from the part of the 2030 turbines. It also intends to conserve 30% of the tigers and ocean water in the region for the next 10 years and to retain petroleum and gas extraction. “Let’s custodiar our public tierras”, dijo Biden.

The President presented many of his meditations as opportunities for the the ecological sector, to invest in energy and renewable energy. One of the ordinances establishes that the Federal Government will have a fleet of electric vehicles.

“This means a million new employees in the automotive industry,” he said.

Petroleum platforms in New Mexico (archive image). AP

The plan also includes ayudas a las minorías, Latin, Negro, and Native American communities have been exposed to contamination. With frequency, these people are living in the pursuit of medium-sized facilities such as contaminated energy plants, greenhouses, waste incinerators, barrier ports, uranium mines and factories.

[Estados Unidos regresa al Acuerdo de París sobre el clima con Biden. Esto es lo que le piden defensores del medio ambiente]

Biden reiteró una y otra vez la urgencia de poner en marcha estos cambios. “We live with our own proposals. We feel it. Lo sabemos en nuestros huesos. And it’s time to act “, dijo.

It also emits a memory that lifts the climate change climate has a national security priority. It is established, moreover, that it tends to account for all the actions of external politics.

Less extraction of petroleum and more limp energy

Biden has set itself the goal of eliminating the contamination of fossil fuels in the energy sector by 2035 and the state economy in general by 2050, accelerating the creation of the solar and eolica energy market and reducing the dependence on the country’s oil. gas.

One of the actions consisted of impressive a suspension of federal sole concessions for new perforations for extractions, a highly contaminating activity. So far, Biden has been working with the Interior Secretariat to review current permits and contracts. The order does not affect the territories of Native American communities.

The fossil fuel combustion industries will be the most affected by what a great opposition is hoping on behalf of these companies.

Biden also eliminates the subsidies it has received over time and, in addition, that federal agencies identify new opportunities to invest in innovation in the year of limp energy production.

The ambitious plan has as its objective the global calendars, caused by human activity and intensifying the extreme meteorological phenomena, as the forest fires in the east of the country and the hurricanes and hurricanes in it.

A plan that leaves a fiery opposition

Biden’s plan to suspend new public sues for gas and petroleum extraction has been applauded by media defenders as an urgent medium.

“The revision of the Administration, if made correctly, will show that the fracking sucio [una técnica usada para permitir o ampliar la extracción de combustibles] and the perforation must end forever, in all parties ”, said Kierán Suckling, Executive Director of the Center for Biological Diversity.

[El nuevo embajador climático de EE.UU. asegura que hay mucho por hacer]

Prohibition of probes, also has raised critical criticisms of members of the energy industry, which he accuses of obstructing his plans and giving up huge waste of work.

It is not the first thing that the new Government intends to do to limit the impact of this sector. Last week, Biden revoked the permit for the construction of a large oil pipeline that cruises the northern part of the United States and orders it to suspend for 60 days the permits for new perforation permits in soles and federal waters.

“This is just the beginning. [La situación] “I’ve a peor,” said Brook Simmons, president of the Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma. Mientras tanto, las leyes de la physica, la chemica y la oferta y la demanda siguen vigentes. Petrol and natural gas prices are subject to the same conditions as heating bills, consumer prices and combustible costs’, aggregate.

Falta mucho trabajo todavía

LBiden suponen’s announcements mark the highlight of the climate change issue in Gobierno’s agenda, pero does not automatically allow a reduction in nocturnal emissions provoked by the energy industry, only that his generation did not respond in a controlled manner, the New York Times reported.

Experts consulted by this diary apuntan that the Administration for its sole existence does not have the balance for effective mediates actually effective in this sense, as a tax on carbon, is that for its necessity the support of Congress, currently controlled by Democrats for with a very strong margin.

The media that Biden and Tomo are on the verge of take, meanwhile, do not limit the actual extraction activity of the gas and petroleum sector, according to AP. Asimmismo, tampoco has vigor in private, is more subject to state regulations.

In New Mexico, there is a boom in this industry, the federal lands represent about one third of the total. Pero in Texas, where the current situation is apparent, the Gobierno National Representative only 2%.

With information from AP, The Washington Post, The New York Times.
