The President informs the National Assembly

President Luis Abinader will present today at the National Assembly, in line with his first six months of management at the Gobierno front office, a balance and quality of information about the completion of the compromise metas during his investment on 16 August.

This review is capable of demonstrating the effective term of the semester in which the intervention of the bicameral entities, a classification of all these compromises and the requirements required by its Governor in terms of ambiguity, takes place.

The State Officer reads the bill in the legislative term, in addition to a constitutional mandate, in favor of acceptable levels of popularity, in part because it has contributed significantly to the governing staff’s style, leading to a pandemic. his esteem in the recovery of the economy, his politics of transparency, his search for the people and a defense and recurrent discourse in favor of the most vulnerable groups.

It will be the second occasion that Abinader has taken part in the joint meeting of the chambers, after his assistance on 16 August 2020, when the jury became the sixth president of the Dominican Republic.

The allotment of all that is known and informed has been complete of its proposals will be known and supported, amen to the criticisms and eulogies, on the basis of the lines of action delineated within six months, when compromise is made to impose changes in the population.

During his inaugural speech on August 16, Abinader advised, in the manner of a preamble, that his allocation would not be a governing program, nor a list of jobs to be taken, even more adorable underlining that “this presidency is high will be the one of the urgent changes ”, and also“ the one of the irreversible changes ”.

Subsequently, the mandate was to trace the line of work through the execution of a governmental dynamics, exhorting its employees to work without delay to log the proposed proposals.

Covid y salud generaal

Since the coronavirus is the main obstacle and the net is to be found by its inaugurated Gobierno, a few hundred months ago the lethal presence of this plague in the country, the State Chief enumerates his compromises before the country.

Specifically, it announced a national plan for detection, Islamization, restraint and treatment of contacts “on a precedent without precedents in our history”, and guaranteed access to all people living with the virus, “as soon as it is available” .

Promise to increase health care has reached over 66,000 million pounds in the first four months of government to wait for this emergence, and “to transform our ever-increasing model of sanitation”.

When the new Gobierno was used, the virus was in full expansion, with at least 1,400 failures and more than 85,000 contagious.

As of February 2021, the country is in full swing of the application against the Covid-19

Another promise in the area of ​​health would increase the number of beds, duplicate the capacity of beds in intensive care units, open 12 temporary hospitals and train more than 1,000 doctors and close them to a large national program, to be more effective in the air against the pandemic.

Promises to restructure and eliminate organisms and institutions that have duplication of functions, and destined these funds to include more than a million citizens in health insurance.

The economy

Concerning the effects of the pandemic economy, Abinader, advising on the prohibitions and the need to reduce the number of tourists to the island, the exports of the global demand depression, cierran pequeñas y medianas emprasas, pierden employs y se consumen ahorros, propuso, para revertir esos daños, mejorar la quality du gasto, eliminant dispendios y corrupción “que durante años sólo han aumentado el deficit et consequente la deuda publica sin mejorar la quality de los dominicanos”.

In this company, the President guarantees the creation of conditions for the recovery of production and employment, continuing the programs FASE, Quédate en Casa y Pa’Ti, and extending the tributary facilities, especially for the small and median companies and implement a Guarantee and Financing Program directed to the pandemic affected sectors by more than 100,000 million tonnes.

Another mandate promulgated the initiation of a repair and construction plan, with an impact of more than 30,000 lives, to reactivate the local economies, with priority given to projects in the Turkish, industrial and export sectors that are open to employment. detainees due to lack of funding.

Its ambitious economic recovery plan is available, through the Agricultural Bank, of 5,000 million in financial aid and interest rates for the new week, including commercialization and technical assistance to guarantee security.

With regard to the inversions in the areas of formal employee creation and strategic works, it was compromised with the construction of the Amber Motorway, which allowed Santiago to drive to Puerto Plata in 25 minutes, and from Santo Domingo to Puerto Plata, in two hours.

And there is the tourist development of Pedernales, which will develop its own airport property, as well as the construction of 3,000 accommodation in various hotels.

Another opening, the Manzanillo port, which will allow the banana exports and the franc zones of Santiago and the northeastern line to be between the major priorities of the mandate.


An Independent Prosecutor

El grito popular.

While acknowledging that promise is fulfilled in the pursuit of justice, it guarantees that one of its first decrees will be firmly established, “designating an Independent General Public Prosecutor capable of doing justice, including all that is contrary, and avoiding injustice, incluso si todos están ‘n guns ”.

Against corruption

Considering that the governor should be subject to a careful taxation, addressing this issue with the company, to advertise that “at this point it will be very clear, precise, and current”, because in his Government “it will not be allowed, but no concept, that the corruption of the past quede impue, that which robes the money of the people, has necessity that pay in justice by its acts ”.

The officials of this day said: “what is equivocal with the money of the people, will be immediately disposed of and will be at the disposal of justice”.
