the president firme nuevas medidas pero su Gobierno sigue con las de deportations

The President, Joe Biden, Company This March three executive orders on immigration which includes mediating to identify and reunite separated families in the frontier, revises the ‘Quédate en México’ program for asylum seekers and studies changes in the public charge rule that accesses the green cards.

Todas ellas son Donald Trump’s Migrant Policies Established by the former Mandatory Administration. “President Biden’s strategy is centered on the basic premise that our country is most secure, strong and prosperous” with a migration system “that benefits immigrants, unites families and allows them to receive legacy and the ones he lived here during generations to contribute the most [al desarrollo de] our country “, the governor’s high officials will announce the media.

[Pausa en las deportaciones por 100 días y un camino a la ciudadanía en 8 años: Biden inicia su Gobierno con planes para grandes cambios migratorios]

Migrants find themselves in agreement with the ‘Quédate en México’ program, in a provisionally installed court on the Texas front in 2019. AP / AP

Mientras tanto, on another aspect that provokes maximum preoccupation with many immigrants — the duty to be deported — Biden’s promise to intervene immediately to guarantee a living to the affected todavía has not been reflected in effective exchanges.

The presidential order paralyzed many deportations over 100 days, but a federal jailer temporarily suspended his directive, saying that this medium was devoid of irregular form, despite Texas presenting a lawsuit against it.

[Sobrevivió al tiroteo de El Paso y testificó contra el asesino. Pero esta semana fue deportada a México]

In the first 13 days of Biden’s term, hundreds of immigrants were deported to various countries, includes a testimony of the Latin American Massacre of El Paso, Texas. It is not clear how many of them are considered to be the most difficult issues to read in the United States, the aspects considered priority to be expelled by the new Gobierno.

Legal experts ensure that the Immigration and Control Service (ICE, by its seal in English), has the faculty of not taking part in deportations more the federal juez order, according to the Associated Press.

One of the media that plans to take over the president this March is the creation of a working group dedicated to identifying and reuniting nine migrants separated from their fathers on the front line by the Trump administration, including all the current Gobierno officials, who define it moral fraud and a national merit.

“Nadie really knows” is what it is at the moment, although it is believed that it can be “up to 1.000”, aggregate these sources. If it is planned that the members of the separate families who are now living in the United States regress, the officials of the Administration will say that the working group has recommendations on will treat these cases of individual form.

[‘Quédate en México’: un año de caos, improvisación y desesperanza para migrantes centroamericanos]

Otra of the executive orders that Biden has prepared for this March in the Department of National Security a revision of the policy known as Quédate in Mexico — officially, Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP, in English) – Trump’s implementation to oblige asylum seekers on the front to hope for the resolution of their cases in the Mexican barn, which has been known for decades of people quedaran varadas durante meses en peligrosas ciudades fronteriza del pais vecino.

Biden has suspended the program so that it does not include new cases in it. Prohibition of probes, its officials he did not explain what happened to the people who are currently in Mexico, alleging that “the situation on the front line does not change from night to day” while working in alternatives.

In addition, in the executive order, the need to help pave the way for migrants to combat the problems that emigrate and work with Governors and NGOs to “increase their capacity to accept migrants” is being addressed.

In a third-party executive order, Biden learns that review mediates taxed by Trump that difficult access to a legal status of the undocumented, as the intention of green cards and naturalization.

To do this, prevent actions such as changing the public cargo rule that impedes access to permanent residences and benefit from public assistance, reduce tariffs to pay citizenship, reinstate exemptions for them and satisfy the administration.

Mayorkas confirmed as Secretary of National Security

Alejandro Mayorkas, an immigrant of Cuban origin who is electing President Joe Biden, will take over the Secretary of State for National Security’s cargo space.Reuters

The Senate confirmed this March to Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of National Security, which will be converted into the first Latin to occupy this post, in addition to coordinating good part of migration policy as well as sending a letter to Gobierno’s respondent , ‘n an extenso ciberataque que ha sidin vinculado a Rusia y al extremismo domestico.

Mayorkas fue confirms for 56 votes a n guns y 43 en contra, el margin más estrecho hasta ahora para un candidate for Gabinete del presidente, Joe Biden.

It’s the first immigrant to occupy the land and it is hoped that it will lead an amplified revision of the policies of an agency that has been accused of being deeply politicized in delivering the president’s initiatives, Donald Trump, on immigration and the application of the law.

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