The preservation of child magic in a time of COVID

Adults around the world have it for a year full of questions from our children (“Will Santa still be able to visit me during the coronavirus season? What if he can not go to someone’s house or near his reindeer?”) That the embrace of the science does not mean that you should abandon the magic of childhood.

Dr. Anthony Fauci assured children that he had vaccinated Santa against COVID-19.

Last spring, when she implemented nationwide restrictions that successfully controlled the spread of COVID-19, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern addressed issues that concern her youngest voters: “You will be pleased to know that we have the Tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny to be essential workers, ”she said.

And just last month, in Prince George in western Canada, Vice President Shandee Whitehead had a dental crisis when five-year-old Gavin Jensen lost his front tooth … two times.

“I do not know if it fell backwards or forwards; we were looking for it when I was outside,” Jensen said.

“When I entered the classroom, he was actually quite upset,” Whitehead said. “We looked at the ceiling, we looked at the ground, we looked left, we looked right.”

Exhibit A: The gap in Gavin Jensen’s teeth.

CBS News

Since the pandemic began, our children have had to endure a lot of change, making it more important than ever to know that there are things they can always take to the bank.

So, like Mary Poppins, Whitehead grabs her magic bag tricks and draws a form letter to the Tooth Fairy a parent had given her two years earlier.

“I confirmed it was really lost,” Whitehead explained.

She writes, on official school needs:

‘Despite the heroic efforts of a fearless investigation team, we could not recover [the tooth]. As a trained vice president and hobby dentist, I can confirm that there is definitely a gap in Gavin’s teeth that was not there this morning when he entered. Accept this letter as an official verification of a lost tooth and provide the standard money exchange rate you normally use for a real tooth. “


Hart Highlands Primary School

“When I woke up that morning, the Tooth Fairies actually came!” Jensen said. “And I got the coin! It was a gold and silver coin!”

Whitehead ends her letter with a PS:

“I’m still waiting for the money for my wisdom teeth from 2000. Please pay as soon as possible. I have bills to pay.”

“I had my wisdom teeth pulled, and I got nothing!” she said.

A sweet reminder that we also keep it alive for ourselves to keep magic alive for our children.

For more information:

Story produced by Jon Carras. Editor: Chad Cardin.
