The presenter Efraín Ruales muere tras recirir 4 balazos in Ecuador | Famous

Efraín Ruales, gewilde presenter of the channel Ecuavisa, muere assesinado a los 27 anos: un noticia que a miles se les impossible de crre este 27 de enero en horas de la manana, cuando se confirmed that the también actor recibió al menos 4 balazos mientras intends to escape downhill in the avenue Juan Tanca Marengo, north of Guayaquil.

The Ecuadorian Tax Office is launching the investigation “by the subject of the television presenter Efraín R., located this morning in the north of Guayaquil.”


The singer and ‘influencer’ Johann Vera, born in Guayaquil and a resident of Florida, expressed on Instagram his sadness because “he lost a human being who was impressive”.

On the other hand, Christopher Vélez, a CNCO integrator, also published that all of Ecuador is lute. “I felt sorry for the family and friends of Efraín Ruales”.

For its part, the governor’s minister, Patricio Pazmiño, signaled that the Ecuadorian National Police, in the wake of its specialized units, “had all the necessary investigative actions to determine the lamentable failures.

Agreed with the first dates that he had known about the violent violence, on the other hand, the presenter of the gymnasium and is presumably directed to his home. Fue attacked by descendants when traveling in his van by Juan Tanca Marengo. Agents of the National Directorate of Disputes against Life, Violent Deaths and Disappearances (Dinased) point out that the presenter received less than four ball impacts.

The General of the National Police and Commander of Zone 8, César Zapata, demonstrated at the press in the place of the heches that Ruales received from a vehicle.

The Police coordinates the zone and recovers dates before offering more details about the incident.

Ruales was one of the well-known caravans of the Ecuavisa canal, where it was able to carry out programs on the moon and also acted in ecuatorian series.
