The prediction of Mhoni Vidente about Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez

The prediction of Mhoni Vidente about Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez

The prediction of Mhoni Vidente about Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez. (Photo: Georgina Rodríguez-Instagram)

The relationship between Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez has generated discussions and social speeches that the Cuban Mhoni Vidente hiccuped a compromised prediction about this couple.

Mhoni Vidente tends to convert to his controversial statements in which he aborted the homosexuality of the Portuguese Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo. The Cuban affirms that the footballer has a romantic relationship with an Italian sportswoman. The most controversial is that Georgina Rodríguez, partner of CR7, is all that is.

“Cristiano is having a romance with an Italian footballer, Georgina knows what he is doing,” said Mhoni Vidente. CR7 and Rodríguez were hired in 2016, while the Portuguese hosted Real Madrid and were hired by Madrid to work as a dependent Argentine.

For another lad, the famous astrologer assured that Cristiano would have another hat with Gio.

Georgina and Cristiano were married in June 2016, when they were working on a Gucci auction at the Madrid center that the player was attending an event. On weekdays, a Disney incognito trip to Paris will take place along with friends and from all over their relationship.

In recent days, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and his partner have been demonstrating for a long time their human sensitivity to help a young cancer patient.

The Portuguese and Gio decided to solve the problems of the treatment of Thomas, a nineteen year old in Portugal who was diagnosed with a neuroblastoma, cancer originating from malignant cells in the upper glans, the spinal cord, the thorax or the spinal cord.

For its part, Georgina is the ambassador of the New Futuro Foundation, an organization that works in the field of child protection, since then.

Passadas Navidades famosa n dudó en convertirse en paje de los Reyes Magos y acudir al center con multitud de regalos para los nios.

It is not the first time that CR7 has made a noble donation to the people it needs, In 2014, Cristiano Ronaldo was charged with the cost of the operation of Erik Ortiz Cruz, a baby 10 months affected by a cortical dysplasia, a thrombosis cerebral that provokes various epileptic seizures during the day; an estimated EUR 60 million.

Además, in 2012 together with his agent Jorge Mendes, the Portuguese footballer also paid the treatment of Nuhazet, a child with cancer.
