The post by Daniella Álvarez on Instagram that makes you think of your followers who will star

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The presenter was notified in 2020 about the amputation of his pierna. It was caused by an ischemia product of a surgery that the patient had to remove an esophageal tumor.

Among the bad news, the good time that in the middle of this trial, the Colombian ex-girlfriend met with Lenard Vanderaa, his ex-girlfriend. Love renaissance and the pair demonstrate their carriage all the time for social speeches.

Without embarrassment, at any other time, his followers will keep the distance between him and the emperor to report his rupture. Hecho, the artist does not follow in her social speeches to Alvarez, while she maintains her ‘follow’ hacia el.

Although no one has referred to the theme, the Colombian model in a ‘Preguntas y Respuestas’ dynamics does not state that it is its actual sentimental situation, but by its phrases, many people are concerned about their relationship with Vanderaa Termino.

By petition from a social red follower, the presenter compartment some keys to make fun decks. First of all, it is clear that there is no easy way to separate a person from the fact that he has special moments and so much, it is necessary to make a duel.

“Meet with a person who has a quarrel, with which one has very special moments, has shared such things as it is super difficult, but for everything in life he always has a duel. He always says that emotions have feelings, he has the possibility to feel certain sadness, to lose is necessary, lies to manage their emotions and lies to them in advance because there is only one time, the time to cure y todo lo sana ”, expressed the presenter

The exreina equates the most punctual question, when a follower asks the question “Do you want to go with a couple?” “Better to know what you prefer”.

In October 2020, the last time the presenter of 32 years posted a photo with his partner, along with the one who posted the photo on Instagram, from which the amputation of his pier will take place, in June of the same year.

“What a soy! El amor lo es todo en nuestras vidas. Thank you so much ”, was the message that accompanies the latest instant along with Spain, who will be back in 2017.

November 2, 2020 Lenard Vanderaa published his latest photo alongside the barranquillera. “My complete congratulations”, he wrote.

The young talent appeared to be a despot in Mallorca, Spain, visiting his relatives, as can be seen in a video showing the surprise of his loved ones.

But what appears to be a temporary visit from the actor to his native land for special occasions, is the moment, all indications are that there is a regression at home.

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