The political juvenile complicates Biden’s efforts to unite the country (Analysis)

(CNN) – President Joe Biden passed his first week in the cargo deal to convene a nation that is as diverse as Republicans or Republicans, as united states to end the pandemic. That’s the nightmare, President Donald Trump’s political juicing involved a formal foul on the calendar, which complicates all bipartisan goals in the new president’s agenda.

Despatches of four supporters of Trump’s years who have deeply divided this country and democracy after a hilo, the nation took the most tranquility when Trump passed the marches to Mar-a-Lago, and his virulent silence silenced by a permanent Twitter. The juxtaposition of the proximity will tear the former marginally new to the center of the scene, giving another opportunity to affirm that it is an intermittent cause of partisan bruises and gives a platform to meet his partisans at any moment.

Biden was caught red-handed in this crusade while the nation wants to participate in the most polarizing type of procedure that exists in Washington. Insisting that Trump should make remarks about the intention of insurrection in the Capitol on January 6, however, it has been remarkably clear with the prospect of a political trial intending to overturn Trump’s legacy with more than a dozen decrees in its primaries. three days in the cargo, at the same time as using the telephones to build a greater legislative consensus.

The juice that is present, which has the potential to inflame the party divisions as fast as Biden establishes a deal of aplastarlas, does not offer any visible sale to a president who was elected with his promise to unite the parties and conflict with Washington compromise in a Capitol that has been defined by the contingent.

The hopes that Biden’s powder will have a different tone to Washington — which will shine brilliantly on the day of the inauguration – are complicated by the announcement of the leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and the president of the Chamber of Deputies , Nancy Pelosi, that the Chamber will integrate Trump’s policy of political juicing into “incitement and insurrection” on Monday night. The senators will present their case before the juicy court, following the Schumer calendar drawn up by Schumer, and the arguments of the juvenile court on 9 February.

The hearing at the start of the trial will be held by Biden because only two of the candidates have been approved by the Senate, a much slower pace than their predecessors. Biden submits these points to the foursome who questioned whether they were in favor of the chronogram of the leader of the Senate minority, Mitch McConnell, for a political verdict in February. “How much more time do we spend for marchers to march and bring this crisis to a head?”

Es poco probably que el Senado condenses a Trump

Biden has been cautious about whether he has ever felt compelled to hold a political trial in the Senate for a president who has lost the cargo, responding practically to all the questions that state the moment and mechanism of a juvenile justice in the Senate.

Casa Blanca’s secretary of state, Jen Psaki, energetically closes the questions on Biden’s more supportive views on political justice, and if he is banned, Trump will occupy a federal cargo in the future, he said. to Trump of the White House in the election process.

“Corrió against the thought that he was not fit to serve, and that this is where President Biden the golpeo”, said Psaki during the press conference of the Casa Blanca el viernes. “We will take the steps, the steps of responsibility, in order to determine the Congress”.

The question of the usefulness of a political verdict at the moment is even more important given that it appears more likely that the Senate condoned Trump, according to information from Manu Raju, Ted Barrett and Jeremy Herb of CNN. Condemn to Trump requires that 17 Republican senators vote with the 50 Democrats in the Senate, a difficult rate in any legislative area, and much less in one as much as this.

Although there is a gap between base Republicans over who should be castrated to Trump by his paper on the disturbances, with the conviction about Trump’s ability to occupy a federal cargo in the future, many Republicans now also ask themselves constitutional judge to a president who has given up the cargo.

The argument over constitutionality serves as a trick used by Republican senators who defy Trump’s instinctive instincts, which allows them to avoid alienating their base voters, while potentially making the purse strings with more moderate electors than they are Trump’s paper on the Capitol’s disturbances, mingled with the mourning torment that counts on the results of the November elections.

“No vote will be taken, but it is clear that the possibility of a third is zero,” CNN Senator John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, told CNN.

‘Los estadounidenses están pasando hambre’

Chestnut: With Biden, the Mexico-EE.UU agenda will be expanded. 1:29

With all his other actions this week, Biden signaled that he should step up to the stage during the Trump era, not only in politics but also in tone. To take jurisdiction over its new employees, Biden the day that if the school fails to respect another colleague, to despair in the act, submitting that all merits are treated with the dignity and decency they have “lost” en grande durante los últimos cuatro años ». Apart from this commentary, when it comes to the opportunity to attack Trump, he generally avoids it, describing the map that he expresses the day, for example, as “generous.”

Biden alienó a algunos republicanos esta semana al tratar de deshacer algunas de las politi konververtidas de Trump a travers de executiones akives: detener la construcción del muro en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, cancelar el oleoducto Keystone verb opL U the Trump predominantly bans Muslim countries.

For the new president also pushes for greater emphasis on the actions that may be taken by both parties: mediating to accelerate the distribution of vacancies such as invoking the Defense Defense Act to produce more ministers such as specialized workers; vliegtuie para accelerater la repertura de escuelas; an extension of the moratoriums on sales and mortgage evictions; and policies aimed at curbing food insecurity in the midst of the pandemic, which are motivated by preoccupation with both Democrats and Republicans.

Señalando el camino por delante mientras describes some of the executive actions centered on the economy tomadas el viernes, Biden underlined that there are restrictions on what can be done only with the path of its plume, and hizo otro llamado urgent to the members of the Congress to come to the bargaining chip on its 1.9 trillion dollar coronavirus package.

With the United States Senate 50-50 divided, Schumer and McConnell all discussed a power of attorney shared by the Senate that would determine the number of scans each party controls in the commissions of the chamber. The conversations started with McConnell’s signal that Schumer was hiding the obstructionism.

Well, Biden is introducing significant resistance among Republicans over the cost of the package, the director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, advised that the state councils could face a medical crisis and a more economical “economic crisis”.

Biden signaled that other 900,000 estadounidenses were united in the lines of the samples, given the economic data of that week, while many families today were obliged to run only the food banks only to feed them. In an argument in favor of its legislative package in synonyms with the Republican preoccupations, it says that there is a “recent economic consensus that we must act with decisions and audits to create the economy”, and that “a fiscal inversion that will be intelligent” United States will retain its competitive sale all over the world. (Signed at the time that Trump’s economic exorbitant, Kevin Hassett, was in favor of the proposal he proposed).

“This case does not have a partisan party,” Biden said last night.

“I do not believe that the people of this country alone should queer and be quiet with their friends and neighbors, work companions, compatriots of the past do well, lose their husbands or lose their sense of dignity, hope and respect,” he said. “Geen creo that the Democrats or the Republicans pasen hambre and pierdan his employees; creo que los estadounidenses pasan hambre y pierden sus empleos ».

“We have the solutions for the solution”.

However, Biden still has much to do with persuading people to seek political redress for another bipartisan legislation that uses these laws. While acknowledging this, there are indications that the gangs are returning to their familiar homes, with political juicing like the obstacle mayor in the new president’s truck.
