The police and military police forces of Maduro Mataron’s regime and more than the COVID-19 in Venezuela during 2020

Venezuela's police and military corps were killed by COVID-19 (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archivo)
Venezuela’s police and military corps were killed by COVID-19 (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archivo)

The figure is escalating: 3,000 people were killed in Venezuela by police and military forces this year. The impact number is based on an information from the Venezuelan Program of Action and Action on Human Rights (PROVEA) and the Gumilla Center.

The study indicates that at least 2,853 people fueron victim of the lethality of the armed forces of the Venezuelan State. And the result is that “graft violations to human rights what can constitute crimes of human readiness”.

PROVEA and the Gumilla Center will distribute its 2020 monitor, indicating that the majority of the victims were young poor people, from 18 to 30 years, “a pattern of discrimination against the life of the Venezuelan maidens”. The FAES carried the most lethal police force and Zulia the state with the most victims: 667 people.

The informant

One of the most influential findings of the information is that the elevated number of victims for the action of Venezuelan police and military corps super to the coronavirus death toll in the Caribbean, according to the regime’s official figures on the pandemic. ‘Venezuela’s police and military forces have made more lethal calls for the COVID-19 during 2020″, Subraya el escrito.

Specify that a total of 2,853 people were killed in the killings of the armed forces of the Venezuelan State and that is consigned in grave violations to the DDHH that pudieran constitute ”crimes of human readiness”.

La Mayoría de las vítimas fueron jóvenes de sectores populares, binnen 18 en 30 jaar, which indicates a pattern of discrimination that risks the life of the people in this French country. This hecho, together with the exclusion in the access to other rights as the education and work between others, from the account of the recent forced migration of young people looking for protection in other cities. In a country that has lost the demographic bonus this patronage of ejaculations profounds the humanitarian emergence that lives the country ”, underlines the information.

Luego said that “the supuesto confinement ‘obliged’ debit to the quarantine decreed by the national executive at the appearance of the coronavirus pandemic freno the action of the police and military forces”.

More than 2,850 people were killed in the killings of the armed forces of the Venezuelan State (PROVEA)
More than 2,850 people were killed in the killings of the armed forces of the Venezuelan State (PROVEA)

The State as a promoter of impunity

The officials in charge of informing confirm that the monitor is allowed to determine the miles of victims of institutional violence in Venezuela. consequence of a state policy which combines the brindle alignment with the high authorities for the abuse of the commission and the structural impediment given by the administration of the justice administration system, by virtue of the official political project.

The employees acted with full freedom from the certainty that their conduct will not be investigated or sanctioned, and debated that with the response of governors, ministers and other high figures of public management “, said.

Luego hicieron reference to case corrected the past 21st of August, when officers of the Bolivarian National Police sign the component Fuerzas de Acciones Especiales (FAES) caretaker of the citizens Andrés Eloy Nieves Zacarías and Víctor Manuel Torres, television operators Guacamaya TV in the state of Zulia, a means of communication that maintains a profile of support for the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

“For the benefit of the families of the victims, the Public Ministry has acted swiftly and four days after the arrest of the six officials presumably responsible for the crime,” he said.

Two months ago, the madrugada of June 11, the FAES will assist five people in the El Limón sector in Caracas, Arquímedes Ramón Martínez, Andri Narváez, Roger Blanco, Pedro Pablo Salcedo and Wilmer Yáñez. This is the last week of the election of Minister Iris Valera, who denounced the crime and demanded an investigation. 48 hours after the hechos, the presidents responsible were detained.

PROVEA states that in some cases there is one common element: “the victims are located in the official political project, although there are few cases of police lethality, their families will have access to justice, which defines a pattern of discrimination which depends on the impeachment to the power of Poder and has the justice a discretionary right ”.

Luego, the NGO results in Venezuela “the majority of the population has no account with the political patriarchy and, therefore, excludes access to the right to an investigation to clarify the issues and punish those responsible for extrajudicial evictions ”.

Y agrega: “For them, by now, only the impunity is guaranteed. As always, the version of ‘presumption of education’ and, consequently, the Public Ministry does not act with the investigations that need to be carried out, violating the recurring debt process ”.

Zulia sees the state with more cases (PROVEA)
Zulia sees the state with more cases (PROVEA)

Zulia, the state with more cases during 2020

The signal informs that the states in which the superior population with mayor rigor the institutional violence of police and militaries fueron by order of lethality Zulia, Aragua, Bolívar, Lara, Carabobo y Miranda.

At the end of 2020, the state of Zulia was the one that registered more deaths with 667, followed by Aragua with 297. Bolivar apartheid with 269 deaths and Lara with 193. “In many cases, families or veterans dismantle the version of education”, affirma el escrito.

Luego recruits that one of the cases that most affected public opinion in the Carabobo state was the assisted by Daniel Alexander López Ramírez (28), an integral communal medicine, director of the Bucaral outpatient department in the Guacara municipality. Assisted during a mixed operation carried out on the Guacara population.

The official version indicates that López Ramírez was a member of a criminal group and was killed by police officers who were involved in a dead end in the Tesoro del Indio, Guacara municipality, in the vicinity of Presuntos.

Information leaked by Lopez’s family, which indicates that the medicine is found because it has been sequestered by members of a criminal gang to wait for one of their companions’ heirs. The López family made sure that the doctor was not referred to the police commission.

FAES, the most lethal police body (PROVEA)
FAES, the most lethal police body (PROVEA)

The FAES, the most lethal police force

PROVEA enfatiza en que la Policía Nacional Bolivariana (PNB), head of a trip of the su cuerpo élite las Special Accounts Forces (FAES), is the more lethal police force. In the first six months of this year, the PNB was responsible for 672 assessors, representing 23.55% of the total.

Very close to looking at it Criminal and Criminal Scientific Investigation Team (CICPC) with 593 cases, which equals 17.52% of the total. In the last years of the public debate, the responsibility of this organism has been taken into account in the conduct of emergency executions in the country. The center is located in the FAES, which, acting in lesser states of the country, is the body of security that is most vigilant against the right to life, recalca el informe.

I specify that the state firefighters responsible for 721 ejection claims, equal to 25.71%. “The attention paid to the lethality of the police of the state Zulia responsible for 262 assassins, Aragua with 104 and the state of Carabobo with 101 deaths”, aggregated.

La Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB) is responsible for the 359 cases, en su gran mayoría responsabilidad de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana (GNB). “Call the attention of the significant increment in the number of FANB liability cases ”, indicates PROVEA; to the time that affirma que can identify in 2019 the participation of the FANB in ​​55 presumption executions.

Finally, the information will be available in 2020 the different means of communication reflect the denunciations of 103 people, cuyos familiares o vecinos aseguraron que habían sido detenidos vivos, pero luego aparecieron muertos.

According to the FAES (PNB elite body ejection numbers), the attributes, in total, 635 deaths, for a 22.26%, with the constants of that la abrumadora burgemeestería de las persona falecidas son hombres, que eran jóvenes. The oath of allegiance was 28.39 years ago, even though the oath of 228 deaths was known. In the 462 superstitions carried out the death of three agents of the FAES.


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