The Pokémon company is defeating the sword and shield deceivers

The Pokemon Company implements stricter measures to deal with fraudsters in Pokemon Sword and Shield. The company shared a statement in Pokemon Home that addressed the issue and outlined the ways it plans to punish those who change game data or use hacked Pokémon in the Switch games.

“We are aware that some users are playing Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, as well as using Pokémon Home with modified data,” the statement begins. “In addition, some users have caused issues that compromise the functionality of games or programs or that cause issues for others.”

The statement further lists the measures that The Pokemon Company will take against users suspected of using modified data, including banning online games in Sword and Shield and preventing them from using Pokemon Home’s trading features. The company says it could even suspend hackers’ Pokemon Home access on both Switch and mobile devices.

“These measures may be applied temporarily or indefinitely at the discretion of The Pokemon Company. No refunds or refunds will be issued as a result of these measures,” the statement continued. “Please note that similar measures will be taken regularly in the future and that additional restrictions and other measures may be imposed without notice. We will continue to regularly look at inappropriate or disruptive behavior and address it to help our users worry to be; free experience. “

This is not the first time that The Pokemon Company intends to deal with fraudsters. Last August, the company issued a statement saying it was aware that some users had dumped the hacked Pokémon in Pokémon Home and that they would take measures to remove these altered monsters.

In other Pokémon news, a Lunar New Year Max Raid event is now underway in Sword and Shield. This weekend, Tauros, Miltank and Bouffalant will all appear more often than usual in Max Raid cages to celebrate the Year of the Ox, and players will have the chance to encounter Shiny Tauros in five-star attacks. This event lasts until 15:59 PT / 18:59 ET / 23:59 UTC on Sunday 24 January.

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