We have a clear idea: deben proteins are present in the diet, ya que, despite the water, is the main component of the body and dirigen casi todos los vital processes. Here are the explanations given by María Real Capell (@mariarealcapell), pharmacist, nutritionist and psychoneuroimmunoendocrine, who told us that protein allows muscle growth, maintains the integrity of cells, controls and regulates functions, forms collagen, 0.8 and 1.2 g of protein per Kg of corporal weight on a daily basis, although many nutritionists submit to our patients the protein intake to increase their corporeal composition and their quality of life since these are safe intake ”, we explain. Taking note that each one has more people following vegetarian diets, we ask, in fact, about the proteins of origin plant. “It is possible to have a well-balanced diet in proteins containing foods of original origin”, we anticipate the specialist. First of all, I would like to explain that it is a complete protein. A complete protein is a source of protein foods that contain an adequate proportion of each of the new essential amino acids in the human diet. “Imagine a protein as if it were a train and the amino acids that separate it from the carriages of that train”, our details. Where to find their complete proteins? In carnes, pescado, mariscos, huevos, leche, yogur, queso, soja, quinoa, alubias y garbanzos.
“When a different dietary intake of different amino acids is complementary and obtains complete proteins with all the essential amino acids. For this vegetarian cuisine tends to be a little elaborate, for combine vegetarian foods and get complete proteins. Here I would like to point out that, for example, some processed carbs (salchichas, embutidos, ens) do not have the necessary proteins because they add hair and are rich in essential amino acids like for example cartilage parts. For this reason, it is a mistake to think that eating embryos and carne processes are called proteins, ”we detail.
Lee also: Do you know what a high quality protein is?