The pilot odyssey with the help of monos sobrevivió 36 days in the Amazon

Antonio quadripraped in the frondosa itself of the Amazon lies that the airplane in which the viajaba presents falls and cayera. The result is clear, per deambuló and sobrevivió for 36 days thanks to a makeshift machine and the food habits of the monos.

It was a lunar eclipse when pilot Antonio Sena suffered a plane crash on the tracks of the Brazilian Amazon. Allí, in the inmensidad de la selva, quedó atrapado duran 36 días, en los que sobrevivió con un un machete y la ayuda de los monos, a quienes observo en su busque de comida.

Sena, 36 years old, has been contracted to carry out an air taxi service in an illegal gold mine located in the heart of the Amazon, between the states of Pará and Amapá. A mitad vuelo, the engine of its small airplane paro. Consiguió checks the direction of the device for a few minutes and acobo stars in a random record.

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Airplane Salios ileso and is apprehensive about rescuing the lives that cargo consignment: three water bottles, sweet pans, four refreshments, a cup and a bag of tea. Poco después, the aeronaut exploded.

“Past the first night and intentional similar to all that there is a sugar. Many years ago, we carried out a self-help training on our own, in the era of working for another air taxi company, ”said in a telematic interview with Efe the Brazilian pilot.

As dictated by the manual, the first ones will be taken in the event of the accident to save the rescue teams. Various airplanes sorevolaron the zone, but every day that passes the route is less intense and his hopes of getting on with life also.

On the fifth day of the day, he decided to grab a delivery video for his family.

“It is still possible to talk to God. Le dije: ‘Si tu voluntead es que encuentre a mi familia, dame fuerza, porque yo lo he intentionado solo y no lo he conseguido. Appearance that works ”, recorded.

The Amazon is itself the largest extension of the world, with cases 7 miles square. Illustrative character and no commercial fines / Pixabay.

The next morning commenced to trace a plan for the sale of the garrison of the Amazon itself, which is described as “a large living pulsating organism”. A forest with many forests in its interior.

“In the octave of this day all my things and commenced to make it happen. ‘Aquí no voy a morir’, me dije. ‘No voy a morir’ ‘, rememora.

Fue entones when adentró in the frondosa itself with the help of an improvised machete made with a trousers of mud, a navaja and a cuchillo.

In the interior of the forest the routine was the same during long days: spreading to the light of the white and burning during hours until the sun was shining on the middle of the day, when it was time to look for a place to camp, always near the rivers.

Ello porque el agua, cuenta, atrae a los grande predadores de la Amazonia: el jaguar, el yacaré y la venenosa anaconda.

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“All of them say that this is a region that is home to jaguars. Never found one. I believe that the God of God and the saber will help me to help them, ”he assured.

Pese a su temple, el miedo afloraba por las noches, cuando el ruido de la naturaleza rompía el silencio.

“The first days, mainly at night, had a lot of fun. It is when the self is manifested. There are so many rude words and how the reconciling parishes will destroy your most intimate friends ”, he confesses. “With the expected time to reconnoiter some ruidos. It’s impressive how the English itself. I love it a lot ”.

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During the 36 days that passed in the cell, the hamber, recorded, was “very habitual”. When eating smallpox that cargaba conjures up acacia, it recovers to nature. But how can you reconcile your fruits and your wounds?

“I will not find the fruits that are found in the market: banana, mango, pine. No hay nada de eso and medio de la selva. Empecé to observe little white fruits and not know what era. Vi que caian de los árboles porque macacos los movían. They are common. Si monos comen, es bueno ”, narra.

Once upon a time there was a brew, a fruit that was widely used by the cosmetics industry. Found cacao in four occasions and three names of nambú, a characteristic feature of the Amazon.

The lack of food is very debilitating. In 36 days lost 25 kilos.

Observing the eating habits of the monos the help to sobrevivir in the self, dobbeltsteen Antonio Sena. Illustrative character with no commercial fines / Pixabay.

El ruido de la sierra

Sena llevaba ya más de 30 días deambulando en la selva cuando de lejos escuchó el ruido de una motosierra. Sus fuerzas habían llegado al límite. Ten calamities and vision losses, but the decision to make his ultimate effort.

If you are in a pantyhose and find a river. Empapado, continued walking through the forest perching the rugged path. Fue entonces when found a white blank and, kilometers lost, a man.

‘My miró muy asustado. If we parade, with the chestnuts in the mano ”, he recalls.

Minutes after reading another man and together we found the base of the chest collectors. Once upon a time there was a notice to rescue teams and their families working on the radio. It was the end of his odyssey.

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“My men do not exist at any moment, they always create who are alive. I’m feeling sick. No desistieron ”, account between logs.

Sena, who wanted to sorevolar recently the location of the accident, will now hear his story in a book titled “36 days: the story of the aviation pilot cayo in the Amazon and reunited with God”, by the editor Buzz.

“Fui transformed inside his self. Mis hermanos fueron transformados también. Thanks to God this story is transforming into a lot of people too. It’s the only thing we want. Solo eso ”, said.
