The phrases with the ones that will be recorded the 9F | El Salvador News

This is a compilation of voices from the participants of the documentary “9F: The Return of the Fusiles”, a joint production of El Diario de Hoy and Revista Factum, with the support of El Faro periodicals.

Golpe, dia negro, the cross of an onomkeerbaar line, an assassination attempt on democracy, a forgotten assassination, a reflection by Nayib Bukele.

These are some of the words used to describe the military assembly of the Legislative Assembly ordered by the President of the Republic on February 9, 2020. Here are the protagonists of the documentary “9F, The Return of the Fusiles”, a co-production of El Diario de Hoy y Revista Factum, with the support of El Faro periodicals.

1 Mario Ponce, President of the Legislative Assembly

“The 9F is going to record as the day of the wave to our democratic system, the day in which it intends, digamos, destroy the system of liberties and our democratic system”.

José Miguel Vivanco, Human Rights Watch

“February 9th will be recorded as one of the most scandalous incidents in the last decades in Central America. It is not an excuse, it is a national merger that a president has the right to reconsider in Ejército in order to intimidate the Legislative Assembly ”.

Además: Miniseries “9F, the return of the bullets” | Chapter 4: With the Fusiles and Gods
3 Mari Carmen Aponte, EE Publisher. UU

“I think it was one of the worst points in El Salvador’s history in the last 40 years. Fue bien doloroso. And I hope that, with the alert conscience, all the salvadorans can work to get it done ”.

4 Yanci Urbina, Member of the FMLN

“On February 9th, the nature of this president’s creation was unveiled, not only anti-democratic, but it is a person who has enormous rights to the country.”

5 Martha Evelyn Batres, represented by ARENA

“For the salvadorans to have a record, but to allow them not to fall asleep. Power dictatorship, authoritarianism haci the democratic institutions ”.

6 Leonardo Bonilla, deputy in the party

“Definitely a reformation of the constitutional order. If it has been established at the moment or not, it will be a debate, but at this moment the constitutional order is being discussed ”.

7 Rodolfo Gonzalez, exmagistrado de la Sala de lo Constitucional

“This is the altercation event of the constitutional order most serious since the end of the war and not over here”.

8 Bryan Avelar, Factum periodical

“It was recorded as a day of great bureaucracy in democratic terms for El Salvador, with an impulse that you have a president who has an authoritarian character.”

Lee also: OEA sends Special Mission to El Salvador to evaluate institutional political situation

9 Jessica Ávalos, Factum periodist

“For me, this is a crime, because our demonstration of what a person can do can be powerful and a person who does not avoid the consequences of his actions.”

10 Luis Parada, abogado y exmilitar

“For me, there is a black day in the history of El Salvador that marks the completion of a frontier, a line that should not be crossed”.

11 Lissette Lemus, photoperiodist of El Diario de Hoy

“It was recorded as the historical highlight that marked the beginning of a decade of the Democratic State. Has marked the initiation of great algo ”.

12 Nelson Rauda, ​​periodical of El Faro:

“It was the initiation of the democratic disarmament that Bukele intended to do when he was ten years old.”

13 Carlos Martínez, periodical of El Faro

“I believe it represents a very strong, transparent and well-mannered manner in which President Nayib Bukele is.”

14 Celia Medrano, human rights defender

“The 9F will be recorded as an insulting, heartbreaking action that undermines the real profile of the current President of the Republic.”

15 Jorge Beltrán, periodical of El Diario de Hoy

“It is totally reprehensible, reprehensible. In a country where the institutional function functions medially, it is created that the responsible persons are being processed ”.

16 Eugenia Velásquez, periodical of El Diario de Hoy

“Hasta donde llegue my career periodist va a ser un hecho inolvidable porque me recordo my infancy, con la guerra, y también me va a recordar que en ese momentito pudo haberse ido al bote de la basura todo lo que construyó en el país” .

17 Fernando Romero, periodist of Factum

“I have never seen this power, military power in a public institution where the correspondence is in the Forced Army. It feels like an invasion. I feel that there is a usurpation that we are stating the Ejército ”.
