The people in Isabel’s support the death of his wife

Agreed with the Spanish portal Vanitatis, people looking for the real family assurur that they have converted into an “important source of consuela” for the reina, algo that tampoco is a surprise, and that a relationship really stretches from hace varios years.

Sophie Wessex, Queen Isabel II and the Duke of Edimburg
Sophie Wessex, Queen Isabel II and the Duke of Edimburg.

The English media have always relied on their coverage, professionalism and discretion, three races that reina Isabel ha sabido valorar . There’s a good question about Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, the struggling dental institute.

Muere el principe Felipe, esposo de la reina Isabel II, a los 99 años

Not only has he traveled many places in the name of the prophet Isabel II, but also his experience in public relations has been vital in his presence at State visits, in which he has been coded with first ladies, reigns or princesses.
