“The Peace Agreements of Peace do not make a fortune or make a farce”, academic dicenim and political leaders in Bukele | El Salvador News

As a centenary of national and international personalities, among academics, politicians, historians, peace activists and diplomats, a card will be presented to President Bukele.

Preoccupied by President Nayib Bukele’s Statements in El Mozote Case the 17th of December of the year passed, in which the remaining valid as the historical act of the 16th of 1992 that marked the beginning of the peace in El Salvador over 12 years of war, 97 national and international personalities, political leaders, academics, historians and companies of the Paz subscribe to an open map directed to the mandate.

“We refer specifically to his alliances on the armed conflict and the Peace Accords as a farce. No.
preoccupy that in its quality of presidency treats with ligeraza important themes. El Salvador certainly has formidable economic and social challenges. Fueron these problems, with deep historical riots, that unfold in a cruel conflict armed that cobras more than 75,000 victims and deij hijofs and disgruntled and disgruntled families that merecen respect “, said part of the mission.

VER: Presidente Bukele manchó Acuerdos de Paz, certain analysts

“We meet, converse and this is the directive of the settlement that Bukele made in El Mozote, our directive of the historians, our lamentation and our confidence that we adhere to this map”.

Mauricio Ernesto Vargas, firmante de la Paz

The secretariat is also supported by former White House staffing officers and United Nations mission chiefs, Eurodiputes, rectors and professors of local universities such as the UCA and internationals such as Yale, United States.

The signal that without the Peace Accords, the armed conflict continues to destroy lives and sabotage the Salvadoran economy. “Los Accuerdos no fueron inütiles ni fueron una farsa”, aseguran.

Plantean, in addition, said that the progress that El Salvador has made since the pact was signed, could have been used to build a democratic society that would allow the people to run a viable electoral system that would have the potential for political power and violence. a “Fuerzas Armadas alejadas de la política y supeditadas al civil power. A climate of freedom in which civil society can debate, without delay, the problems of the country ”.

The authors of the card also declare that it has established a “free press that has contributed to
desmasking cases of corruption and arrogance about problems that have to be corrected, ”the public access to public information said.

In addition, the agreements contain a judicial system of trustworthy countries, the effective separation of the
Powers of the State that permit the respect of the institution, the creation of the Procuration for the Defense of the Human Rights, and that the work of the Commission of the Verdad facilitates the first steps to the term “impunity” in the country, situation which is inconclusive but the governor can contribute to concretely.

For firms, war breaks out as conflicts escalate through fireplaces. Admiten that it has things to do with superiority and to emphasize peace, but it explains that the armed conflict of the day must be resolved by other chambers that do not “predict the sound and the division between the Germans”, without the intervention of Ejército. “Corresponds to all citizens and in particular to you, President Bukele, as Chief of the State, honors the memory of the victims of the armed conflict, announcing the positive impact of the Peace Accords”, vermaan.

TE PUEDE INTERESTS: “Ignorancia profunda” denotan palabras de presidente Bukele
