The patient as master

In all cases, learning materials are used. Painters with lintels and paints, paper scribblers, drills and rubber bands, carpets with frames and serrations, ecologists exploring the self and mediating the concentrations of various substances of medium ambiente. With veterinarians and physicians the situation differs: learn to live, or well, to be precise with words, using their lives. Although ethics has allowed itself to be embroidered, flawed, and always will be, much more so. No all veterinary schools or all hospitals with academic committees consist of regular medical and veterinary activities.

Desconozco si hay monuments o emblematic figures of horses, loros, elephants or human beings to reconnoiter and honor their work — described work — as part of the process of teaching young aspirants and including masters. To my dismay, I agree that the tribute was paid by the medicine in animals has lean skin when zero, without obviar the use of humans and animals as subjects of experimentation.

In one of the memorable passages of The plague de Camus, novela ahora en boga debido al coronavirus, el doctor Rieux, central person of the tram, to the question, “¿Donde apprentice so, doctor?”, responds, “del sufrimiento”. In the process of teaching medicine, los enfermos occupy the first place. Despues followed the professors, about all that taught the profession to the patient and not only revised exams of laboratory or radiology. The following furnaces occupy the technology and laboratory; lamentably, his omnipresence has diminished the importance of the person.

Painting apprentices or guitar guilds have their first encounters with paints to paint and cords to touch, while medical students own their first maneuvers, puncture a vein or receive a baby, with human beings. The same succeeds with the hospital institutions: test their new devices with human beings. In both instances apply the old proverb “errar es humano”, but as lee renglones adelante, “perseverar en el error es diabólico”.

The previous questions have no son sencillas. Two ethical studies dominate the scenario. First. ¿Tienen los derfero der saber de saber, sobre todo in hospitals donde la ensenninga es leitmotiv, quien es el galeno que realiza de procedimiento? Second. Do hospitals have the obligation to explain to the nurses who will be the first to use the new device? From the ethics and value of the autonomy of each person the answer is affirmative. Sondeverbod, in practice, and about everything when it comes to prevalence paternalism y donde el empoderamiento of the patients do not exist, the patients do not receive suelen, if it is some succeeding, dicha information. The solution provided is to share with patients the situation and ensure that the alumni are accompanied by staff with experience, albeit, in pandemic times, Perogrullo dixit, it is impossible to detain and explain to the nurses the necessity of informed consent, which is important to all mayors: it has given rise to the misdeeds, benefits, molestations, risks and alternatives, rights and responsibilities ”.

Dicha dirikz, the informed consent, should be amplified and applied when the work is carried out as described. Patients son maestros; the galenos are grateful to them and the technology depends on them.

Medical and writer
