The pandemic does not affect the Mexican tourist league: “I feel most secure in my country”

Legacy of visitors to the International Airport of the City of Mexico.
Legacy of visitors to the International Airport of the City of Mexico.Mario Jasso / Cuartoscuro

Mexico converts in 2020 to the third most visited country in the world. This escalation, from the seventh to the third position in the ranking of the World Tourism Organization (OMT), is a direct consequence of the global coronavirus crisis. Treated by a coyuntal plague, the secretary of the Mexican Tourism, Miguel Torruco, provoked by the drastic chain of tourists in giants like the United States and Spain. Without embarrassment, demonstrates that the country, which has lost 44.3% of visitors this year, has increased the river more than others. A total of 25.1 million tourists will travel to Mexico in 2020, up to 45 million in 2019, according to the OMT. Among the abundance of young people who come to pass the holidays, but also to reunite with their couples or work. Given the generalized impression that there are less restrictions than in other countries, foreigners should feel safe before the coronavirus.

Alex Raduan passed away on December 14 in Mexico City of Paris. This photographer lives in the capital of France with his family and under the restrictions of covid in Europe can not meet to pass Christmas. There are several options available in Latin America, decided in Mexico. Here is a scene with two scenes from the pandemic: Mexico City and its coastal zones. We will see the media in the city, including some of the most violent aspects of Paris. The people with double mascara and carriage, the obligatory tomato of temperature and gel to enter the establishments … This is not the case “, quoted by phone from Mazunte, in Oaxaca. Sondeverbod, heropstel que donde está ahora las restrictciones son muy relajadas. Calor y aire libre hacen bajar la guardia. “Llegas a la playa y mascarillas hay pocas”.

In the last months, while the curve of contagious creations in all parts of the country, the replenished play images were accumulated. In Tulum, at the Quintana Roo State, an art and music festival is held for over five days with more than 200 people. And only the controversy over a possible cobrot of covid in the zone obliges to cancel the next macro event in the city, which has a duration of 16 days. According to the director of Cancun Municipal Tourism, Frank López Reyes, in these early days of 2021, the record of last month’s tourists in capital and the pink hotel occupancy rose by 60%. Hasta la cantante Dua Lipa has been visiting the Caribbean beaches during these holidays.

While, in addition to the tourist arteries of the country, Acapulco, the Governor decided to close the playgrounds during the weeks to avoid agglomerations and release the contagios. This Mexican home surpasses the one million and half of covid-19 cases and the 133,000 bankruptcies, after five hundred days this week with more than 1,000 diarrheal deaths.

Antes de aterrizar, Raduan no sabía cuáles eran las medidas que había tomado el Gobierno de Andrés Manuel López frente a la covid, pero sí tenía claro que, mientras otros paises podían cerrar sus fronteras si la empeoraba situat, él i bava has not been involved in any moment of pandemic air traffic. Reading with a negative PCR to avoid problems, although different from other countries, such as Colombia, Brazil or Argentina, is not obligatory to enter. The photographer defines that it is possible to have responsible tourism in the country. Avoid situations with a lot of people, take care to avoid misunderstandings and queries in open spaces where you can maintain the safety distance. Lauren Schloss’ stadium hostage: traveling alone with your group of people and private accommodation, such as Airbnb, in hotels.

This professor of Carolina del Sur is one of the 4.3 million students who will be enrolled in a plane to Mexico during 2020. The young man, 30 years old, went to school in October to work at a Montessori school in Condesa, Mexico City . Due to the pandemic todavía did not know his companions or his alumni in person. Although there are complicated online classes at work, I recognize that there are many more related here than in Mount Pleasant, where they live with their fathers. “They have the most risks, they are with me because they are much more, in addition to the principle of the pandemic, the situation is very strong, they are very close and even if my connection is online”, it is about the United States. Here we are more comfortable with the situation: “The world is the most vulnerable to the virus and can go to the park, come on some terrace or go to the home of my closest friends”.

Scholls, who also volunteered with NGO Ayuda Mutua — who was involved in the pandemic of the spending crisis — also noted that the management of the pandemic in Mexico was not as polarized as in the EU, where President Donald Trump was constantly concerned. de quitar peso a la enfermedad. “There is a difference between the Republicans who do not screen the virus and the Democrats who want to stay in the house,” Dice. ”Además, thinks that culturally in EE UU has more help and is judged more socially. Here you will find cubrebocas and listen to the media, but there is no tension. Me siento mejor en México ”, conclusion.

Separate couples during months

Another reason for adventuring into a foreign country in the midst of a pandemic is its revelation. Miles of couples in Mexico are separated when the crisis sets in. One of them flew by Nina Smidht, a 36-year-old Dutchwoman who lived in her Mexican new home on a vacation before she even jumped on the bandwagon. Three months ago, I finally got to enter Mexico in the finals of September. Here, they passed on to the families of él risk, has maintained a contact group of monkeys six persons. “I feel more secure here in the Netherlands. There is more space for the fireplace and to avoid the agglomerations, all the world lives in cubrebocas ”, now heard by phone in Cuernavaca, from where telegraphing to an NGO for nines and adolescents without resources, a project that I like

“I believe that Mexico has a better management of the pandemic, because in the Netherlands, during which time it has total freedom, which has two consequences, and here it is,” he said. “Creo que in Paises Bajos somos arrogantes con la enfermedad, porque estamos máis consentidos la la ayuda que presta el Gobierno. There is a lot of people who have a hard time working, they can not go to the house ”, dobbeltsteen.

The most impressive impression is Raquel Medrano, who left in September from Madrid, also to meet with his partner, Miguel, who lived a year in Mexico: “Here it is not possible to make restrictions as far as the Spanish, because many live el Gobierno no ayuda ”. “But since the people are more conscientious, it is not obligatory to wear mascara on the floor and everywhere in the city, in Spain it is necessary to impress many”. This economist, of 27 years, confides in finding at this time a job that allows him to work in the country. “I believe you can have more opportunities than in Spain. I hope the pandemic is not a problem ”.
