The other PLD votes have ten presidential projects for 2024?

Santo Domingo, RD.

The last person voted in the recent election by the Political Committee of the Dominican Liberation Party is the presidential aspirant, who will appear in the comics of the year 2024.

The candidate who voted for Francisco Domínguez Brito, who was the aspiring presidential candidate, did not win the nomination of his party; Gonzalo Castillo took over the second position and was the candidate of the PLD in the elections of 2020, where the deadly party cayó derrotado.

Abel Martínez Durán is the alcalde of Santiago y, although he has no publicity about his aspirations for the presidency of the Republic, certain people in the nobility have confirmed that he is working on a presidential project.

Hecho, in Santiago, a publicity stunt was held that said that “whoever changes a city can change a country”, with a French motivation for his aspirations.

In the fourth election position was elected Cristina Lizardo, who was a senator from the province of Santo Domingo and lost his election to the men of Antonio Taveras and the Modern Revolutionary Party.

Lizardo came to be the chair of the coordinating committee of the congress José Joaquin Bidó Medina.

Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, who is also the Vice President of the Republic in the administrations of Danilo Medina.

De Cedeño has always commented on his interest in seeking the presidential nomination of the murder party for the moment he has no public opinion.

In the past, electoral advice was given to the PLD’s leading companions, who would need to search for a third party because of the existing ones, according to Leonel Fernández and President Medina, “perder-perder”.

Luego confirms the sector of the Medina all the interior of the PLD le propuso a su esposo, the entonces presidente del PLD, apoyar a Cedeño de Fernández como candidata unite.

The PLD elected this day to the members of its political committee for the next four years. In the process, it releases the current members that are posted to follow, with the unique exception of Eduardo Selman.
