The OMS team of experts in charge of investigating the origin of the coronavirus in China will hold a press conference on March

Peter Daszak (Izquierda) and Hung Nguyen-Viet (Derecha), members of the World Health Organization (OMS) team assembled to investigate coronavirus origins in China (REUTERS / Aly Song)
Peter Daszak (izquierda) and Hung Nguyen-Viet (right), members of the World Health Organization (OMS) team investigating the origins of coronavirus in China (REUTERS / Aly Song)

The international team of experts from the World Health Organization (OMS), which is based in China during the last months to help investigate coronavirus origins with Wuhan’s communication media this March.

“The international team working to comprehend the origins of the COVID-19 virus is ending its quasi-semantic state in Wuhan, China, and is joining its Chinese counterparts at a press conference.”, señaló este lunes el organismo.

The informative session, which tends to take place at 16:00 locally (8 GMT) and a hotel de la ciudad, will be transmitted by the board and English and the digital platforms and the social reasons of the UNU sanitary agency.

The first cases of Covid-19 were detected in Wuhan in December 2019. The scientists screened the disease -who was forced to feed more than 2.3 million people all over the world- originated in the murciélagos and the poor had transmitted to the humans through other mammals.

But now there are no definitive answers and all the functions of the OMS have remained important to the possibilities of the delicate mission of investigating the first intention. He acknowledged that the visit to Wuhan would probably be much more difficult than necessary.

On Wednesday, February 3rd, the group of investigators conducted a visit to an important virus research laboratory in the city of Wuhan, in its search for pistes about the origins of the pandemic.

The experts pass a 3 hours and media in the strongly custodian Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was at the center of some conspiracy theories that affirm that a fugitive in the laboratory caused the first coronavirus broth in the city in the 2019 finals.

Security staff at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (REUTERS / Thomas Peter)
Security staff at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (REUTERS / Thomas Peter)

The Mayor of Scientific rejects the hypothesis, but some speculate that a virus captured by nature may have been used in laboratory experiments to try the risks of a human contagion and lie escaped from a staff member infected.

‘Very interesting. Muchas preguntas ”, dijo desde su coche Thea Fischer, a member of the team, in response to a question about whether the team had any algae.

Some companies in China have published details of all the coronavirus samples studied in the laboratory, in order to see more of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes respiratory disease.

The OMS, which treats the expectations of the mission, indicates that its members are restricted to visits organized by their Chinese nurses and do not tend to contact members of the community, subject to sanitary restrictions.

Although the new coronavirus that triggered the pandemic was first identified in Wuhan, Beijing has an idea of ​​the origins of China and China, appointing imported foods such as conduct.

Three weeks in quarantine, the team of the OMS – trained by experts in veterinary medicine, virology, food security and epidemiology of 10 nations – passed the last six days visiting hospitals, research centers and a traditional market in many of the first infectious agents.

The visit is based on a series of negotiations between Beijing and the United Nations agency while China seeks to maintain its control over virus information and the search for its origins.

More information about AFP and Reuters

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