The OMS supports the initiative to suspend the patents in the manufacture of the vacancies against the COVID-19

15/01/2021 The Director-General of the World Health Organization (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during the meeting of the Emergency Committee of the OMS.  In Ginebra (Switzerland), 14 January 2021. POLITICA SALUD OMS
15/01/2021 The Director-General of the World Health Organization (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during the meeting of the Emergency Committee of the OMS. In Ginebra (Switzerland), 14 January 2021. POLITICA SALUD OMS

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, supports the proposal to suspend the patents for vacancies, treatment and other sanitary facilities against COVID-19, which is being debated this week in the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

‘It’s the moment use all the tools that we have to increase production, which include the transfer of licenses and the extension of intellectual property rights. There is now no one ”, Tedros subtraction in press release.

The OMS maximum responsible for this support has been debated since the WTO General Council debated its initiative, launched in October by India and South Africa and last month I met opposition between many of the countries where they have their seats in the major pharmaceuticals.

Between them is located United States, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, Brazil, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom and the states of the European Union.

Archive photo of the OMC logo in Ginebra.  23 Jul 2020. REUTERS / Denis Balibouse
Archive photo of the OMC logo in Ginebra. 23 Jul 2020. REUTERS / Denis Balibouse

To approve, the permit allowed that copies of vacancies, treatments, diagnostic tests and other drugs against COVID-19 can be produced in other countries, in large scale and lower prices.

Tedros also piedio the fires to the most advanced lands that reduce or avoid more unilateral agreements to buy vehicles with the pharmaceuticals, especially those within the COVAX program of dose distribution throughout the world (as AstraZeneca or Pfizer, although the general manager did not pay attention to them).

“I understand that the goblins have the obligation to protect the people, but the best form of hacerlo is to remove the coronavirus at the same time in all parts ”, argument.

El miércoles, The governors of Mexico and Argentina lament that no Latin American country has access to the vacancies against the covid-19, in a joint statement issued during the visit of the Argentine president, Alberto Fernández.

Health Officer Soraya Ortega greets Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández to receive a dose of vaccine against the coronavirus Moderna (COVID-19) in the María Hospital, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, February 25, 2021 REUTERS / Stringer NO RESALES.  NO ARCHIVES
Health Officer Soraya Ortega greets Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández to receive a dose of vaccine against the coronavirus Moderna (COVID-19) in the María Hospital, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, February 25, 2021 REUTERS / Stringer NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly shown the importance of maintaining Latin America and the Caribbean, strength, unity and solidarity, where no country in the region excludes universal, fair, equitable and affordable access to medicines, vacancies and insumos médicos ”, says the document, online with the OMS declaration.

Ambos gobernos agregaron que continuousen colaborando “para que region regre autosuficiencia en la production van vacunas and que estas sean considerad as well as global commons, así as sus patent”.

The deputy director of the Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) expressed this week Jarbas Barbosa, who supports declaring vacancies against covid-19 as a global good.

Consulted at a press conference on the OPS, Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO), considers the Argentine proposal viable, Barbosa records that this debate between intellectual property and the need for public health is not new between countries.

26/02/2021 Costa de Marfil receives the first vacancies against the COVID-19 with the COVAX mechanism.  POLITICA ESPAÑA EUROPA MADRID INTERNACIONAL TWITTER @UNICEF
26/02/2021 Costa de Marfil receives the first vacancies against the COVID-19 with the COVAX mechanism. POLITICA ESPAÑA EUROPA MADRID INTERNACIONAL TWITTER @UNICEF

“I’m always creating a position like this, from Argentina, of many countries in the region, to consider a herring as important as a vaccine for a pandemic like a global public good,” he said. “This occupation is very important”, reiteró.

The current sanitary crisis over the COVID-19 pandemic has turned into many countries, especially the poorest, in “Rehenes” of pharmaceuticals, which impose prices, places of dosing and almost require legal immunity, denunciaron el jueves en una rueda de prensa representes de varias ONG.

Many Latin American goblins, for example, are marketed by pharmaceutical companies, and are obliged to accept any condition“, Lamenting the respect of the Coordinator of the Campaign to Access Essential Medicines of Medical Frontiers (MSF) in Brazil, Felipe De Carvalho.

‘n abogada de derechos humanos Fatima Hassan, of the Initiative for a Sanitary Justice, states that these countries “have to accept a limited distribution, create an artificial creature, pay the prices that they are entitled to and allow the secrecy and agreements that require liability”.

A person was evacuated to New York (EE.UU.).  EFE / Justin Lane / Archive
A person was evacuated to New York (EE.UU.). EFE / Justin Lane / Archive

Carvalho underlined that this situation had provoked him in countries like Brazil or Mexico have been accused of interrupting the lack of dosing vacancies that the Brazilian government has paid more than its European counterparts to the AstraZeneca vacancies, or what pharmaceuticals hayan pedido in Argentina change their rates to change their vacancies.

It is, advirtieron, is dandose in regions that have some of the mortality rates by COVID-19 more altas of the planet, like Latin America or Africa, many sanitary and hospital speeches are in collapse and many workers in the sector, exhaust, no ten perspective can be vacated in short space.

With EFE information on AFP


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