The OMS informs that the British cove of COVID-19 was detected in 70 countries and the South African in 31

A scientist observes a band of positive coronavirus samples for sequencing and analysis of the mutations in Ingelheim, Germany, January 27, 2021. REUTERS / Kai Pfaffenbach
A scientist observes a band of positive coronavirus samples for sequencing and analysis of the mutations in Ingelheim, Germany, January 27, 2021. REUTERS / Kai Pfaffenbach

The British variant of the new coronavirus is presented in a minimum of 70 lands the 25th of January, alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) this week. According to information on the dependent body of the UN, this implies that the cepa was detected in 10 new lands in a patch of six species, when the last content is present.

The South African cepa, another mutation of the virus that once the British is more contagious than the original, has been detected in 31 countries, even more so in the recent preview. And the Brazilian in his new lands in the same lapse, with which he is officially present in ocho.

Studies are being carried out all over the world to find out why the variant is spared with the mayor velocidity and what will be revealed in the 2019 finals in China.

The British sanitary authorities say that the country’s head is transmitting more, but it is known only to the level of poverty. On January 22, the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that the British variant would be even more deadly. The mandate makes the false statement that preliminary dates show that its lethality is between 30% and 40% higher than the classic virus. However, the experts indicate that these data are limited and do not appear to reach a respectable conclusion.

Edited in the Canary Wharf commercial district, rent a car with tapabocas by a station in London on the 27th of January 2021. REUTERS / Peter Cziborra
Edited in the Canary Wharf commercial district, rent a car with tapabocas by a station in London on the 27th of January 2021. REUTERS / Peter Cziborra

In this sense, the OMS also seems to be prudent. “The results are preliminary and need more analysis to corroborate these conclusions,” the UN agency indicated in its bulletin.

The variants are different versions of the initial coronavirus that appear with the time, lie that this mute. It is a normal phenomenon in the life of any virus.

La cepa Brasil P.1 in Manaos

The coronavirus variant detected first in Japan, originating in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, is dominant in its capital Manaos, which refuses the initial suspicion that it could be more contagious, explained to the agency AFP el investigator Felipe Naveca.

“It appears in 51% of the demonstrations followed in December in Manaos, and now, it is January 13th, in 91%. Moreover, it is disseminated by the interior of the state. We find in 11 of the 13 municipalities that we analyze “, affirms Naveca, which leads the studies of the mutations of the virus in this territory.

PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: A patient is experiencing medical attention at the Hospital 28 of August, the 14th of January of 2021, in Manaos (Brazil).  EFE / Raphael Alves
PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: A patient is experiencing medical attention at the Hospital 28 of August, the 14th of January of 2021, in Manaos (Brazil). EFE / Raphael Alves

The Martian fueron detected the first three cases of this variant in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil’s most populous country, followed by more coronavirus deaths, with more than 218,000, only for United States.

The new variant, known as Brazil P.1, was initially detected in Japan in Brazilian people in regression of the Brazilian Amazon.

It was detected this month in Japan, Germany and in the state of Minnesota, Brazil has been blank in the last days of restricted media flights to the United States, United Kingdom, Italy or Peru.

According to Naveca, Brazil P.1 is a mutation of “one of the 18 lines” of coronavirus that circulated in the Amazon state from the beginning of the pandemic and which will become dominant during the second semester of 2020.

El investigator explanation con con the recovered dates are now “not to mention that this variant is the most lethal”, although the authorities did not declare that their propaganda was related to the dramatic increase in deaths and cases in the Amazon state since the beginning of the year. This collapsed day saturated the intensive care units and tens of people walled with oxygen deficiency.

Brazil, for its part, has banned the proceeds of the United Kingdom and South Africa from advancing its own prices. This ultimately caused preoccupation with the possibility of escaping, in part, the immune response of the organism, which allowed the reinfection.

Investigators have suggested that the E484K mutation presented in Brazilian and South African countries “preoccupying” much reduces the activity of the neutralizing anticorpos. Peru cuidado, porque “no la annulan”. I was advised by Bloom’s own laboratory, which explains the study. And matiz is important. Because I wish the virus had not escaped all of it to the immune response, although there was a “humanitarian evasion”.

However, the Modern laboratory, which has been approved by the United States and the European Union, has been the last month to create its COVID-19 vaccine against the new variants. Dijo also insists that a new dose of reflux be directed at the South African variant, concluding that the response to the anti-cancer measures should be reduced.

With AFP information

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