The OMS authorizes the emergency use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in embarrassed and lactating women

Johnson & Johnson Vacations (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration)
Johnson & Johnson Vacations (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration)

La vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, of the Janssen Pharmaceuticals, which received an emergency use authorization from the World Health Organization (OMS), can be used in embarrassed and lactating women, dijo is this market a group of experts in munitions.

Treat yourself to first vaccine approved that requires a single dose to generate immunity against the COVID-19.

The group of scientists that offer strategic assessment in munitions to the OMS indicates that the technology platform is being used for the Janssen vehicle was used in the past to produce other vacancies that were shown to be safe in pregnant and lactating women.

It is not recommended that women in gestation pass a COVID-19 vaccination test before considering whether to delay an embarrassment by having the vaccine received.

For women who are in the second category, the OMS does not recommend interrupting lactation tras haber sido vacunadas.

The vaccine can be used in pregnant and lactating women (EFE / Zayra Mo / Archivo)
The vaccine can be used in pregnant and lactating women (EFE / Zayra Mo / Archivo)

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine has demonstrated a level of safety and efficacy that is provided in a more pandemic-controlled instrument offer the sale of which, to require a single dose, more people can be vacated, signaled the group.

The only contraindication that he signed the experts is the allergy to any of its components, although this vaccine is free of adjuvants, preservatives, animal origin material or fetal tejido.

The recommendation issued by the experts indicates that this vaccine has been shown in clinical trials a efficiency of 76.7% against severe episodes of COVID-19 after 14 days of injection and 85.4% after 28 days.

In order to avoid hospitalizations, its estimated effectiveness is 93% and 70% against COVID-19 synthetic cases.

As the rest of the vacancies that are in use, Janssen has to administer a lot of professional supervision and has to deal with a medical treatment in case of an allergic reaction.

(With EFE information)


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