The New York Governor’s Pandemic Management Provokes the Rise of a Decade of City Experts | Sociedad

Andrew Cuomo, January 27 at a coronavirus press conference.
Andrew Cuomo, January 27 at a coronavirus press conference.DPA via Europa Press

It can be said that it is his Italian genius, that the provocateur is a living character, or that he suffices to say that he wrote a verse and another, for the act of the governor of the State of New York, Andrew Cuomo, to the experts in public health of its Administration raya, según estos, in el desprecio. However, no one has explained that since the finals of the vernacular new officials of the Department of State Health have presented their dimensions, when the pandemic is increasing and the criticisms about the length of the evacuation process are multiplied in the first stage of the fa. In his actions, criticizing the critics, he recalls the tragedy that Donald Trump had shown the most respected epidemiologist in the country, Dr. Anthony Fauci, by not talking about the negotiation and including the scientific obstructionism of the Republican. How to belong to the Democratic Party and discuss successful executive mandates.

In an information that publishes this month the diary The New York Times takes over the cargoes of the graduates, taking over from the Deputy Adviser of Public Health and following the person in charge of the committee of contagious nurses, as well as sub-alternate classes, all of them technical. The meeting under the auspices of the specialists was immediately condemned by some gruesome declarations of the Italian-American Cuomo: “When there are ‘experts’ among comics, it seems that they are actually not trusting in the experts. Because there it is ”, said the firefighters about the public policies against the pandemic at a press conference that put an end to existing malice.

In order to contextualize what some of the most advanced languages ​​are, I can record that Cuomo has different criteria criteria with its correlator Bill de Blasio, the New York Democrat also, very evident in the management of the pandemic escalation -for ejaculation o the bars and restaurants-, which includes including the distinct graphics for the register of the houses in the Ayuntamiento and the Estado. Cuomo tampoco is san of the devotion of the most progressive sector of the party, especially pujant in Albany, sede del Gobierno del Estado. For its animated version, the experts who evaluate the pandemic and prescribe how to combat it have disembarked and five employees of the department have been contacted by the diary solely on the basis of the amount of money, which may be marginalized and irresponsibly treated. Cuomo has declared war on the Sanitary bureaucracy of the Administration that presides, submits the article, and together with its confidants has established a program of vacancies that address important retreats in its initial phase.

The detonation of the fire brigade caused the negative of Cuomo to accept the evacuation plan that the State had designed and agreed upon at the time with the Local Administration, in favor of a model that would increase the weight of the distribution in large hospitals. What has been said in recent weeks is that the most important remedy that aggravates with the mayor firming the rents of the anti-pandemic strategy, while attributing it to its ignorance of employees and the lack of escalation operations such as the evacuation process. All of these, while the queues and the careful exasperation are disappearing. The list is that, compared to the initial retreats, now New York is the 20th in the list of States that he administered at least one dose to his residents.

The referral between Cuomo and the Sanitary Specialists of his Administration is without embarrassment, and the disagreements between technicians and politicians have been repeated in many other parts of the country during the pandemic year. The controversy over Trump’s policies – and his worst example – is notorious among the specialists working at the Center for Control and Prevention of Injuries (CDC, in its English seals). The Alcalde De Blasio forced the salute of the responsible of the Public Health of Ayuntamiento, and to this day the country has been for decades the experts he renounced his side for the political leaders in turn, as the director of the Public Health of California , one of the most corrupt viruses in the EE UU coronavirus.

In the case of New York City officials, critics say their bosses will not be able to appear at press conferences -comparison to those who are addicted to change programs in the anti-correlation action program after the announcement that the experts adjust the plan to its decisions.

Cuomo’s latest announcement is that it is launching a publicity campaign to reduce the retention of the state’s African American population, one of the most vulnerable groups to the virus. The immunization ratio of black neororquinos – including those whose sanitation – is significantly related to the size of the rest of the population, and the objective of the campaign are, according to the governor, guarantees that there is no such thing as the vacuna is the only way to avoid contagios and save lives.

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– Actuation guide prior to transmission
