The new rules that impose JLo on Alex Rodríguez that include access to his cellular, say Page Six

Jennifer Lopez y Alex Rodríguez he was at the center of the controversy over the infidelity rumors of the developer with the model Madison LeCroy.

Although it has four years of relations and will be compromised in 2019, it is expected to place its offer on both occasions due to the pandemic.

But rumors have it that ARod has already appeared on the “Diva of the Bronx”, which agrees with the portal page Page Six, and he says that Jennifer has very strict rules.

Among the new obligations, the singer tends to access 24 hours a day on her cell phone when she is looking for something to do, as well as the ability to restructure her parade.

But one more thing: presumably Alex was vigilant in the “toques de queda nocturnos quand estu fuera con sus amigos”, dijo la fuente.

In addition, the song, which is not baby alcohol, insisted on “a limit of three babies” by A-Rod when it was made by the city.

The norms are more restricted to those who respect the paths. It is limited to the solitary journeys of its promised only for negotiations and requires that the trip on the private plane that is used “only muscle assistants”.

“Independently of these last rumors about Madison his letters to him, Jennifer is humiliated”, signaled the source. “It’s because she’s got it with an awkward touch.”

López admits that the pair was looking for help in the middle of the coronavirus Islamization. “It’s really good. Creo que fue muy útil para nosotros en nuestra relación ”, dijo la cantante latin en la ultima edition of la revista Allure.

According to Infobae’s report, at the moment, as young as J.Lo, 51 years old, as of tomorrow, he’s 45, has been kept quiet about the news he pays.
