The new EU Congress and Nancy Pelosi take up their position as President of the Chamber of Deputies

Nancy PelosI (Reuters)
Nancy PelosI (Reuters)

Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic mayoral candidate in Washington, will be re-elected as president of the United States House of Representatives with a majority rule.

The new legislators elected in the November 3 commissions will take up their positions at 12.00 local time (17.00 GMT) and, once again, the Chamber of Representatives will start the vote on Pelosi, which will be extended during hours.

It is hoped that Pelosi, 80 years old and California legislator, will be able to overcome these problems: the possibility that some Democrats will file lawsuits and the risk that others will decide not to join the Washington DC pandemic. of the covid-19.

The November 3 election, led by Democrat Joe Biden – elected as president of the EU, will take place with its margins in the House of Representatives, in support of the 2019 Progressives.

Specifically, in November, the Democrats will lose ten seats and be joined by a majority of 222 in the Cámara Baja; while the Republicans support new 15 acents and acabaron with 211.

In this form, the Democrats will hold the mayoralty, but their margin is the most strong that any party has held in the Cámara Baja for the last 20 years.

To be real, Pelosi needed 218 votes in favor of the 222 Democrats in the House of Representatives, in the case of all the legislators accuding to the session. For this reason, democracy alone could lose a vote of no confidence in the presidential election of the Chamber of Deputies, which took place between 2007 and 2011 and which saw him win over the succession line for the Presidency. , by the Vice President.


Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic leadership have asked lawmakers to travel to Washington DC beforehand to ensure they are present at the vote.

The moon, presented by the press, Pelosi dijo que staba “bien”; but, posteriormente, during a parade with the members of his bank, reconnaissance that was preoccupied with the possible austerities and affirmation: “My mayor opposes is covid”, says The Washington Post a democratic source.

Since the restrictions on the pandemic in March were announced, decades of Democratic legislators have been seeking the support of the House of Representatives.

Hecho, in Mayo, the Cámara Baja changed its norms to allow the vote of manner of remembrance and one of the democratized legislators, some of them of advanced ed, he used this option.

Without embarrassment, the dominoes, the legislators tend to act in person to deal with the burden of their scans and because they have the moon, it is not expected that the necessary cambios will be renewed to allow the vote to distance.


On the other hand, some Democrats have expressed private frustration with the Pelosi leadership, but the names are much calmer than in 2019, when he was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies, giving Efe an internal familiarity with debate partido.

Because of this, we are the most calm because it is hoped that Pelosi will take over the Presidency of the Chamber of Representatives in two years, as promised in 2019 before the presidency of the most outspoken of his party claiming a more young leader.

This time, moreover, Pelosi is present at the reunion without any opposition.

Nonetheless, if its factional rejection, the Democratic Party is in the chaos of trying to find a new leader and is defeating the critical session of January 6, when the two chambers of Congress tend to ratify Biden’s victory over the saliente president, Donald Trump.

This is the ultimate step in the electoral result certification process and is usually one more formality; but this year, the important mayor has blamed Trump’s pressures, which have not been able to reconcile the results of the allegations against fraud.

With EFE information


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