The new coronavirus caused by more than 15,000 deaths in a single day

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports a maximum of 15,000 deaths by COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, a record that puts the total death toll from the pandemic at 1.9 million.

También will register 800,000 new contagios, one of the highest figures in a year of sanitary crisis, and the global total will be 87.5 million.

Reports are mainly calculated in the United States of diary cases (440,000 in the last jornada) and deaths (with a record figure of 7,800), for which the continent has a maximum of 38 million pandemic years more than 900,000 bankruptcies.

Europe, with an accumulation of 28 million cases and 622,000 deaths, registered 273,000 cases and 6,000 deaths in the last 24 hours, although now there is no clear answer with respect to previous weeks.

EEUU is recovering as the most affected country, with 21 million cases, followed by India (10 million) and Brazil, which recently reported a record number of diary cases (87,000, of which the total is 1.9 million).

Russia, with 3.3 million, will show without embarrassment a descending curve, all the contrary of the United Kingdom, with 2.9 million cases.

In France (2.7 million contagios), Italy (2.2 million) and Spain (2 million) the daily positive curve curves upwards but does not exceed the November maximum.

Germany (1.8 million cases in total) will have to stabilize three weeks of rising ascent, while Colombia is looking at record numbers of records and a total of 1.7 million positive ones.

The recovered patients ascended to 64 million, and of the 23 million active cases one 0.5 per cent (108,000) is already in critical condition.
