The new CDC director has just issued this very dark COVID warning

In two days, a new government will deal with the COVID pandemic in the US and become the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the eve of Rochelle Walensky, Managing Director, elected by the President-elect Joe Biden to lead the CDC at this important time has issued a very bleak warning about the coming days of the pandemic. COVID-19 has claimed the lives of nearly 400,000 Americans, but Walensky predicts only in the next month another 100,000 people could die, bringing the total to half a million. In an interview with CBS News Face the Nation On Sunday, January 17, Walensky said: “By mid-February, we expect half a million deaths in this country. It does not speak to the tens of thousands of people living with a still uncharacterized syndrome after they ‘We recovered. And we do not see yet. the consequences of the holiday trip, of holiday gatherings, in terms of high rates of hospitalizations and the deaths thereafter. I think we have a few more dark weeks ahead. “

Read on to hear more about this new voice in the fight against COVID, and for more information on what not to do to stay safe, watch The CDC warns against using these 6 face masks.

Read the original article Best life.

The CDC’s national forecast predicts up to 30,000 new deaths by early February.

Medical staff will work on 11 November 2020 in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for multiple patients in a special hospital in Bergamo.
Medical staff will work on 11 November 2020 in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for multiple patients in a special hospital in Bergamo.

Walensky noted that we have “nearly 4,000 deaths a day, nearly 400,000 deaths in total.” The latest version of the CDC’s weekly national ensemble forecast, released on January 13, projected between 16,200 and 29,600 new deaths in the week ended February 6, bringing the total number of deaths at that time between 440,000 and 477,000. in the United States. .

While new cases are peaking and starting to decline, this means that hospitalizations and deaths are likely to climb next, hence the expected increase in death rates. Scott Gottlieb, MD, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), also appears on Face the Nation On January 17th. As he explained: ‘We are seeing a short-term peak in terms of the number of new daily cases. Unfortunately, deaths and hospitalizations will continue to grow over the next two or three weeks because they ‘are a backward indicator. But we see continued declines probably for about four weeks, maybe five weeks until this new variant starts to take over. ‘Read on for more information on the new variants of concern, and for another warning on this topic, see why dr. Fauci just warned for these 2 “more sinister” COVID strains.

The new mutations worry experts for 3 reasons.

woman coughing while wearing a mask and asking for medicine in a pharmacy
woman coughing while wearing a mask and asking for medication in a pharmacy

Walensky, the former head of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she has worked locally and internationally on HIV / Aids policies, has made it clear that virus mutations can be expected with COVID-19. “It’s not just coronavirus, it’s a lot of viruses and it mutates when they’re under pressure,” she said. Face the Nation.

“When we see these mutations, we are concerned about several things,” she explained. The main causes of concern are whether the mutations have ‘increased transmissibility’, whether they have ‘increased diseases and deaths’ and whether they ‘will evade our mechanisms of treatment or our vaccines’.

“So far, the one from the UK seems to be more transmissible. We have no more information on whether it is evading our vaccines,” Walensky said. “We have an indication that this is probably not the case. But what means increased transmission is that there are more cases and therefore more deaths. There are certainly further studies that the South African tribe, the Brazilian tribe and others tribes in Nigeria. “

Walensky added that the growing number of new mutations proves that the US needs to do more sequencing to determine which strains are becoming more dominant. “One of the things that really demonstrates this is our need to be vigilant and have resources to oversee, to make sure we understand what the tension is here,” she said. And for more information on where the British tribe currently stands, visit The New UK COVID Strain Now in These 15 States.

She says there are 100 million doses of COVID vaccine for the next 100 days.

pfizer vaccine against Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections on the production line
pfizer vaccine against Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections on the production line

“We are confident that we will have enough vaccine for the 100 million doses over the next 100 days. That is what the president-elect promised,” Walensky said. “It’s going to be a hefty lift, but we need to do it. And to be able to do that, we need to look at the supply for sure. system. ‘

Regarding the challenges of placing the vaccine supply under the arm of the public, Walensky added that ‘we need to make sure there are enough vaccines. I know the President-elect has committed himself to using the Defense Act to make sure that where there are bottlenecks in supply, we, you know, will address the bottlenecks. ‘And if you have to stop before you are vaccinated, then know that if you are using this OTC medicine, you have to stop before you get the vaccine.

She hopes to get younger children and middle school students back in the classrooms soon.

Small group of children with masks
Small group of children with masks

To reopen schools quickly, Walensky said, “one of the things we want to do is make sure we can vaccinate our educators and people in our school systems.” Walensky said the Biden government hopes to get enough teachers vaccinated, get the necessary resources to primary and secondary schools, and reduce infection rates enough to ‘[get] our K by eight children back … that’s the expected goal. “And for more information on the latest where COVID is spreading, check out This is how bad the COVID outbreak is in your state.
