The new browser for Xbox consoles can also stream Steam games, including Death Stranding

Some Xbox [2,785 articles]”href =” “> Xbox users can now stream computers [2,960 articles]”href =” “> PC games to their consoles, via a test version from Xbox Game Studios (Microsoft) [1,161 articles]”href =” “> Microsoft’s Edge Chromium powered browser and GeForce Now.

As reported earlier this week, Xbox testers in the Alpha Skip-Ahead group now have access to the updated Microsoft Edge web browser on Xbox One [2,364 articles]”href =” “> Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S [937 articles]”href =” “> Xbox Series S / X consoles.

Thanks to the improved compatibility support with Chromium, the browser will use web browser applications like those for Stadia [297 articles]”href =” “> Google Stages, Disagreement and more.

Importantly, GeForce Now’s compatibility means Xbox players can stream much of their Steam [533 articles]”href =” “> Steam games to their console, including PlayStation [2,998 articles]”href =” “> PlayStation console exclusive Death Stranding [99 articles]”href =” “> Death Stranding and versions of Cybperunk 2077, Shadow of the Tomb Raider [25 articles]”href =” “> Shadow of the Tomb Raider and more.

The new browser for Xbox consoles can also stream Steam games, including Death Stranding
The new Xbox web browser supports GeForce Now.

GeForce Now also supports the Epic Games [358 articles]”href =” “> Epic game stores, which means users can include their store exclusives, including Hitman 3 [30 articles]”href =” “> Hitman 3, Fortnite [205 articles]”href =” “> Fortnite and Rogue Company [2 articles]”href =” “> Rogue Company.

Sony Interactive Entertainment [1,221 articles]”href =” “> Sony’s other former console-exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn [69 articles]”href =” “> Horizon Zero Dawn and Detroit: become human [23 articles]”href =” “> Detroit: is currently not supported by the streaming service.

As noted in a video by Joe Chip (embedded below), because the Edge browser does not currently support a mouse on Xbox, some games that require a mouse and keyboard, such as Quake 2 RTX, do not play well via the browser.

GeForce Now is available for free, as well as via a subscription for faster access and RTX support.

The service differs from other services like Google [191 articles]”href =” “> Google’s Stages by allowing players to stream their existing Steam and Epic Game Store libraries on a number of devices such as smartphones or laptops .

It was confirmed Sunday that the new Edge Chromium-powered browser could run Google Stadiums, enabling console users to stream its games library.

As noted in a video by Brad Sams of Thurrott, the new Xbox browser can allow console players to stream games to their console via Microsoft’s own Project xCloud [102 articles]”href =” “> xCloud in the future, as soon as Microsoft publicly adds browser support.

The new Xbox Edge browser should also improve compatibility with services such as Skype or Discord via the Internet, as well as browser-based games.

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Microsoft has announced plans to launch Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for PC and iOS devices in the spring of 2021.

Currently, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members in 22 countries can play more than 100 games on Android devices via the cloud using a compatible controller. About 20 of these games also support touch controls.

And Phil Spencer, head of the Xbox [259 articles]”href =” “> Phil Spencer said the company is working to stream Xbox Game Pass to consoles as well.

“Yes, we want to do that,” he said last year. ‘This is a long list of cool things the xCloud team is working on, just a little further down the list. But we want console and computer gamers to be able to browse just as easily as mobile gamers, this is a great gameplay feature. ”