The new and unbelievable theory that QAnon: Trump will be president on March 4 | News Univision Politica

There are many conspiracy theories and false predictions that from 2017 he circulated on social media, feeding the credentials of a significant number of Donald Trump followers following the existence of a satanic pedophile network in the “deep state” that works in it contra.

A one, reality has already revealed one of the most inverted and unproven theories. Including, I’ve circulating the idea that President Joe Biden will not be sentenced to a series of 4 years in a row.

Now, the conspiracy theorists who identify with QAnon’s etiquette have given up on a new and undefeated theory following what President Trump will do on March 4 at the White House and a new mandate as mandatory.

This is the ultimate prediction of the QAnon movement, which is an eco-friendly movement of ‘sovereign citizens’, an amalgamation of groups and associations without a centralized structure that has no secrets to follow the federal law.

¿De dónde sale la fecha?

In 1933, for the position of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945), he changed from March 4 to January 20 the date of the new governing jurisdiction, to record the period of transition in which he país atravesaba los rigores de de la Gran Depression economic.

The disagreements of the ‘sovereign citizens’ with Roosevelt included the church in which a law promulgated in 1871 environs secretly to the United States in a corporation and acabó with the governing state created by the lame Padres Founders. The group also claims that the president sold interests in the country in 1933 when he was fined.

The movement that is taking place in the wake of the “plan” issue in speeches like Gab, Telegram and TikTok is based on the idea of ​​having a “restoration” of the republic, with Trump’s regression.

In essence, QAnon’s theory does not come from the sense of ‘sovereign citizens’ groups.

“Some cross between QAnon and the movement of ‘sovereign citizens’ anteriorly, but he saw that the ideas of sovereign citizens about that United States is a ‘popular corporation’ within QAnon”, said Travis View, of conspiracy theory, quoted by Vice News.

“It’s preoccupying, because it means that QAnon is already carrying out ideas of more established extremist movements,” View warned.

The FBI catalogs ‘sovereign citizens’ as an internal terrorist organization. His members were detained during various violent incidents. In May 2010, for example, a father and son affiliated with the moving agents and police agents with an assault rifle while detained while traveling through Arkansas.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an organization that studies extremist and racist groups in the EU, indicates that “sovereign citizens” are “a movement based on racism and” muster “anti-Semitism. are implied in a legal case.

“Biden is in California”

The news that algo succeeds on March 4 has been installed in QAnon’s followers. In a CNN video, the fact that Trump will be judged ‘as President 19 (sic) of the United States in the restored republic’, threatens the eco-plant movement of ‘sovereign citizens’.

Another Trump follower was interviewed for the video, claiming that “Biden is not in the White House and has evidence that he is in California and all is a montage.”

In TikTok, a user will watch a video that reproduces more than 50,000 times: “Can you say anything, why is it 22 years old and how to enter, why the United States is a corporation, not a country?” News.

The hotel has previously paid its significant fees to Trump’s followers. The 6th year, the end of the attack on the Capitol in which the followers of QAnon take part and by which is a political juice against the executor, it costs 8,000 dollars to rent a house that night.

