The musical weekend that took place this week in the 96 years – Prensa Libre

El músico estadounidense llegó a Guatemala en 1970. (Foto Prensa Libre: Cortesía Familia Porter) El músico estadounidense llegó a Guatemala en 1970. (Foto Prensa Libre: Cortesía Familia Porter)

In 2021, Guatemala’s teenage orchestra was held hostage, and all the country to which Bob Porter shared his artistic qualities as one of the greatest trumpeters, as well as one of California’s greatest directors and arregistas. Porter, who died in Berkeley, California in 1924, passed away on July 7.


Bob’s regalia


December 28, 2014 at 01: 45h

Porter’s career extends to more than a dozen decades and is defined by a major affix to the trumpet, and by supuesto, to music in general.

Everything emphatically when the stadium received a trumpet in 1937 as a Christmas gift for its fathers. “I believe that the good buy because I think it will only be a maintenance”, commented among giants in Press Free in 2014.

With the passing of time, that shelf is converted at the point of departure of a truck that has been approved as long. The music forms its first band during the secondary school.

The 18 years are listed in the statement. While the Second World War is underway, as far as Porter is concerned, a base in California’s Surrey Fortress, where nightmares and Saturday nights are taking place, he is playing the trumpet for his comrades.

Finalized the war, entered to study music at the University of California, Berkeley. Graduation class, a musical escalator that transcended the decade of the 1950s.

This song was formed by The Lancers. In addition, it was recorded by Hare as part of musical conjunctions such as The Ames Brothers or the afamada orchestra of Ray Coniff.

Además of the music, also has a large space for love. In 1957, Bob married Marcelyn Mittendorf, only three months after his marriage. His wife was a TV producer and worked as a program editor.

It’s a proposition that Bob’s worldly production and regulation will bring to California television.

Porter received his first trumpet in the 13 years. (Photo Prensa Libre: Hemeroteca PL)

Once upon a time, the multifaceted habitation found a solid place in the creative path of its peace, encounter and embrace the Bahá’í religion; doctrine that professes the unity of the human race, the free investigation of the world, the elimination of all prejudice, harmony between science and religion, and universal access to education, among other principles.

Once the music was read at the end of his career in Los Angeles (during the decade of 1960), the proposal was to promote his religion in another country. The options are Japan, the Philippines or Guatemala. Of these, Porter chose the third to travel with his wife and three daughters.

In Guatemala, the renowned artist is working as a professor of English at the Belgian College and his wife Marcie works at the Guatemalan Institute of America.

This is how we express a recent familiar map directed to Porter’s memory, “a new life has taken place for the Porter family”.

But the passion never fails. The vibrant music vibrates in Bob and has a strong following. One year after having been released on Guatemala, the producer was incarcerated in the national team. Hizo arranges for radial and television commercials of different brands (between them, Volskwagen, Toki or Pantyhose corazón).

Passed the time, Porter turned to musicians and national anthems. One of Porter’s merits at the national level is located in the trayectoria which is one of the most frequent arregistas of the Guatemala Symphony Orchestra. También fue arreglista de la Sinfónica de El Salvador.

Bob has been playing music for over 70 years. (Photo Prensa Libre: Hemeroteca PL)

También also formed an orchestra (which lives on its number) and integrates it into the considered major musicals and songs of the country – between them the master Fredy Farfán or the song Rocío Recinos, which were released here.

Bob Porter’s Orchestra has participated in various international festivals, having received galadones “for the originality of its rules” which have Latin rhythms and dixie.

The orchestra grabs ocho discos, and has organized events with its most exciting; all of the enthusiasm, passion and confidence that Porter transmits.

However, the melodies, the fe and the spirituality – in this case of the Bahá’ís also convertieron for the sake of reconciliation make the music state.

The 7th of January of 2021 marked a mark in History that invited individuals to commemorate the values ​​of this creepy and irreplaceable creator like Bob Porter, who on one occasion commented on his story that he is part of this world , desearía que todos estuvieran felices por él, pues seria el intime de su reunion con su amado Creador.

Despedida en redes

Liege de darse to announce the fall of Bob Porter, users on the Internet – among the musicians and cultural agents of the country – demonstrate his respect and admiration for the music of the stadium:

Desdee the perfection of the Orquesta de Bob Porter and Facebook’s section for an emotional composition of the foundation:

The group Malacates destroys the inspiration that Porter les dejó:

Presenter Héctor Sandarti underlined the contribution to the “musical roll” in the country by Bob:

Guatemala Aseguró’s Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Guatemala pronounced ‘un amigo’:

We also commemorate Fidel Funes and his Marimba Orchestra:
