The movie that protagonizes the Cuban William Levy has been recorded on Amazon Prime!

William Levy triunva en su papel en “Brazos de un asesino” de Amazon Prime (Foto: Captura de Youtube)

William Levy looks forward to great excitement in his professional career. The Cuban galan does not conform to the chic pantyhose and is currently digging in Colombia a new version of the telenovela exit café with the aroma of black together with Laura Londoño and Carmen Villalobos, participating in a streaming movie that resulted in another major exit.

“In Brazos de un Assesino”, is a movie that protagonizes the Cuban who wears all the mirrors, and on the other hand, is trained only as a Chinese actor as a cinematographic producer.

The movie, which recently appeared on Amazon Prime Video, is ranked as one of the most popular platforms in the Latin American country. I’m sure I found it in a log that I have the most emotionally attached to the actor and in this way he has uploaded these photos on Instagram.

The congratulations of the gala of television telenovelas as TVid Couidado with the angel and Sortilegio is a great motive for allegiance to the mother of his wives, Elizabeth Gutiérrez, who has shown great remorse for his couple and has manifested himself in his own social speeches .

The movie shows a Levy very seductive and combines his sex with the mysterious of the character, which he chooses, he has many scenes with a lot of ropa, as well as the load of sensuality in the drama is high.

“It is my profession, I work and I live with much respect and love. This type of stage is very comfortable and can only be accessed by them, ”the Cuban confessed to the EFE agency.

Although little has been said about this production that will be released in 2019, there are more projects with Amazon, it is clear that Levy is constantly on the rise and that only the sufficient amount of time to work.

“In the Braces of an Assassin” is now a large number of fruits that vendria will be taking over Levy for a stage between the mayor and the production of audiovisual products for streaming.

Mientras tanto, the Cuban continues in the grabs of the remake of Café with a fragrant aroma, novelty that from now on users are anxious about its estrangement and that will be transmitted like this by the Colombian channel RCN as by Telemundo.

Cabe points out that this project has kept Levy out of his family’s quiz and will soon be able to reunite and enjoy the drama of the drama.
