The mother of the nine abandoned in the front narra his release from his superstar captors | Univision Immigration News

“I wish I had the agreement to stay here, that I would die in another place. I would die in one part, abandoned”. Ensure that its precursors follow the dejaron at a frontier point, by which it treats to help.

During the interview he said that he applied for political asylum and that he was joining the frontier authorities.

“Because I’m dying to go to the asylum”, I assured the interviewer through a video recording.

Meyling said that it was too late to talk to his wife, Wilton, who was staying at a minor detention center in Texas and, although he was having a good time, he was concerned about his ability to return to Nicaragua.

“The day that does not concern, that everything has to go well”, he said.

Wilton met the first of April in the Desert of the Great Rio, Texas, near the frontier with Mexico, and, watching it in the video, between the account of the agent that the group with which he abandoned abandonment.

“I came with a group and I was dehaired and I was not there”, said the lesser agent of the Patrol Fronteriza whom he met.

The minor fireplace alone and assisted in a carriage with the risk of encountering delinquent animals such as snails or coyotes.

Días después, Univision Noticias habló con los tios del nino, quienes residen en Estados Unidos, y aseguraron que Wilton viajaba con su madre y ambos fueron secuestrados. It was reported that Wilton had been praised by Patrol Fronteriza for his release.

Misael Obregón dijo haber conversado con su sobrino: “Le pregunté qué pasó, y él me conto que a el lo echaron con otros niños, de noche, ellos durmieron en la carretera, en la orilla de la carretera. When he was desperate, he was alone “, said Obregón in an interview facilitated by Univision Notices by the Nicaraguan journalist Miguel Mendoza.

In this interview, Obregón says that Wilton’s mother is permanently seconded in Mexico.

Apenas el lunes, el Gobierno de Nicaragua informa que initiation gestures para la repatriacation del nino.

The Nicaraguan Vice President, Rosario Murillo, announced that an Interinstitutional Commission will carry out the repatriation procedures of the family and provide support to their families.

