El tiiódico El Tiempo, and the version of the internet, has published an article about what it is like to present the artists of the moment in the reggaeton, the Latin rhythm that dominates the world and it is by the millionaires reproductions of Spotify or Youtube that generate, for its part, that in this year of the new coronavirus pandemic they have generated money losses.
De hecho, in the publication of El Tiempo it is reported that Maluma is one of the artists of the urban generation who has expressed his displeasure with the verse affected by the restriction of the massive events causes of sars-cov-2 virus worldwide.
Without embarrassment, following the dates quoted by the Colombian diary, who will lead the ranking of the most caracing presentations series the end of the Daddy Yankee regiment of who it is estimated that cobra has 1 million dollars for live presentation.
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The Puerto Rican, a pioneer of this gender that dominates the planet, has a fortune valued at $ 40 million, in line with El Tiempo’s article, and has sold 17 million albums.
In other figures, Daddy Yankee has 39′816.159 monthly reviews on Spotify. While the Youtube channel has 32 million subscribers.
In the list of the most cobra by El Tiempo concierge, find the famous Nicky Jam, live shows can cost upwards of $ 750,000. The poorest of the poor also consider themselves one of the pioneers of the genre.
Nicky Jam has 25,246,367 monthly streaming and Spotify Youtube channels of 21 million of subscriptions.
In the ranking of the most popular concerts of the regiment of El Tiempo están Bad Bunny and the Colombian J Balvin who cobra for presentation $ 500,000.
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Del ‘Conejo Malo’ tells us that he has recorded recordings in 2020 of the first time he had an album completely in Spanish encapsulated on the Billboard list, as the case of his disco El Último Tour del Mundo.
Bad Bunny breathes was the artist who watched more in the year of the Spotify pandemic with more than 8,000 million reproductions. In this platform the Puerto Rican has 50′880,489 monthly eyes. And on Youtube channel ten months of 30 million of subscribers.
Colombian J Balvin’s publication indicates that by 2020 a large number of people will be included in the list of the 100 most influential people in the magazine Time. Además also has the Guinness Record to repeat 11 weeks a theme in a concert, which is the case of his song ‘Blanco’.
In 2020 Balvin also took over the third of the most watched on Spotify, after Bad Bunny and the rapper stadium Drake. An esa platform musical The Colombian reguonero listens to the monthly 56,849,763 games, and on his Youtube channel has more than 29 million of subscribers.
At the top of the list of reggaetons most cobra by concert, El Tiempo ubica al también colombiano Maluma and the poor Farruko, who were charged $ 300,000.
The Hawaiian company, surpassed this year, has 37,834,472 monthly Spotify eyeshadows and 27 million the subscribers and Youtube.
Farruko en cambio tiene every month on Spotify 28’883,233 games and on Youtube channel ten of 13 million of subscribers.
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