The most important things you can do to help Adidgazar get rid of Navidad and what you can do in the salon of your home

January, the month of appointments to the gymnasium as a proposal for a new year, it is on the way, and with it the second semester of the school. With the intention of we get these kilos more, the Spaniards tend to disembark the gymnasiums during the first three months of the year, in order to start abandon this proposal to be more salutable.

To listen to this economic guest who can cancel the payment of an annual share of the high school and abandon my hopes, we will get back the best owns items that can be made in the living room of your home without materials (or with the minimum onontbeerlik), so that you can train in the comfort of your home.

17 owners to train your abdomen in the salon of your home


We can not start the list of exercises without having one of the great classics as well as the sentadillas, one of the basic exercises for travajar el tren minderwaardig con nuestro propio peso korporaal.

To this end, we will sign the key points to keep in mind the time to avoid lesions: the first of these is the posture of our cleft, which must maintain the most neutral position avoiding the arches in the lumbar (hyperlordosis) zone and dorsal ( hypercifosis or “chepa”). If our costs maintain the posture, a good way to start realizing the feelings is to opt for the isometric variant against the pared, in order to place us with the cleft palate on the pared and flex the rods until they form a 90 degree angle, at the same time we add the second position and move us to the initial position.

The second point to keep in mind is the functional limitations or in the form of lesions. If any cause is not attributable to the power failure we do not have the capabilities to realize the sentadillas, we can opt for intentional realisarlas with a silla: from the position of sentados on the side of the silla and maintaining the right cleft, we will deliver and we will send. The use of the sill allows us to limit the range of motion in the case where we have no capacity to realize the sentadillas of the traditional form. This option can also be a good one alternative to the inferior train work of mayors.

A HIIT training circuit for tires and glutes that can be made in your own house and without any material


And if the sentadillas are the classic owner to work on the strength and power of our lower train, the serious flexions will be equivalent when we train the superior train, then work the strength of our braces, pectoral and core muscles (is the ultimate intervention in postural stabilization, thus preventing lumbar spine archipelago and possible lesions).

If we run a power deficit that our impedies perform the direct flexions in the chair, we can opt for inclined manufacturers, support for example in the table of a room or a sofa, if we work in the chair, we can opt for support for the rodillas to make the pies, and in this mode “reduce” the corporate weight with which we work.


The sanctions are another way to deal with the downfall of our train inferior and a good complement to the work with the centadillas, in addition to being a force of fire for us to allow work and improve our balance through the gluten activation media. In addition, we can work the sanctions as fast as we want.

If we want to add difficulty to this ownership, we can opt for suggest some weight with one of our men, what we owe to compensate for this “imbalance” with a mayor working the core. If, on the other hand, we do not have a lot of balance, then we can start realizing together in a month in which we can support in case the loss means the balance we will increase.

An in-house training plan for every week: what to do every day, Monday and Sunday

Abdominal board

One of the best, by not deciding the best, ownercicio para trabajar nuestro kern. Eliminating the compression and rotation forces in intervertebral discs that support the abdominal crunches, the abdominal plate (and all the variants that we realize) allow us to work our core of global and complete form, which is more important, reducing the risk of lesions to a minimum.

An option that we include include the necessary equipment, is the realization of the abdominal plate, the core work with an abdominal row. This accessory can be purchased in tents like Decathlon at a very reasonable price (up to 20 euros).


This is a classic property, loved and loved by the people in equal parts, we will allow you to work our global form body, because by its mechanics the superior train, the core and the lower train intervene, in addition to being magnificent owner to work our cardiovascular resistance.

Gluten free

To work on it train inferior from the “posterior” point of view, the glute point is a very good exercise that focuses on the work in the musculature is popular, gluteal and lumbar zone principal. As with all traits, they can have different degrees depending on the degree of difficulty with which we would like to work, being the most basic as part of a stump that is placed in the sole with the flexion pads. While we are lifting the support of the pieces, for example colocandols on the table of the sofa or from a living room, the work done by the isquiosurales and the glute will be mayor.


Ejercicio complementary to the boards that we will allow to continue working the muscles of the core and, in addition, the cardiovascular resistance. For women with no ability to start working on this exercise directly in the initial position of flexion in the sole, we recommend starting with exercise. supported by the men on a chair, in a way that we are inclined to respect the sole and realize the movement as if we were studying (the main idea of ​​ownership consists in realizing the most rapid movement). Existing number of options according to the degree of difficulty with which we will work to increase intensity and demand in our training.

Two routines for working at home with our corporate body

Once upon a time there were the main features that we could build at home with our corporate peso to form and adelgazar through Christmas, we would plant types of routines for working at home: one of them will be based on the series of repetition systems and the other will be in HIIT circuit mode.

Routine of owner series rehearsal

Between each series, we recommend between 45 and 90 seconds of descent depending on the physical condition of each person, and between ownership and ownership between one and two minutes.

  • Burpees – 2 x 10
  • Sentadillas – 3 x 10
  • Gluten free – 3 x 15 (we propose to do some repetitions of this exercise in the first weeks and that the ischiosurals suele are a muscular zone that is often “tethered” with respect to the cuadriceps)
  • Zancadas – 2 x 10 (with each pier)
  • Flexions – 3 x 10
  • mountaineers – 3 x 20
  • Abdominal board – 3 x 10 x 3-5 “(three series of ten repetitions between three and five seconds each repetition)

HIIT circuit mode routing routine

For those deseen trabajar estos eiercicios en high intensity circuit mode, we are going to structure the same means using the Tabata method, consistent with Work periods of 20 alternate seconds with descents of two seconds. For principals, make three rounds of this circuit can be a good way to start kicking in shape. For intermediate rounds take place between three and six rounds and, for advanced, a good working match will be completed ten rounds of the same. Between rounds and rounds, depending on the physical level of each user, the descents can oscillate between three minutes for the most innovative and 45-60 seconds for the most advanced.

The order of ownership will be the same as for the previous training: burpees, sentadillas, glute points, zancadas (here we have consecutive form, one with each pier), flexions, bergklimmers in abdominal board.

This article was originally published by Miguel Fitness in early 2018 and has been revised for its republic.

Images | iStock
Video | Bowflex, Vitónica
Gif’s | GIPHY
En Vitónica | The keys to complete your objectives in 2018 (and no ladles in February)
En Vitónica | Reduce stress: the bright proposal for the new year
