The most happy man in the world shares his secrets to live better | News Univision Sucesos

Matthieu Ricard was born in France in 1946 and thinks that his destination is between laboratories and photography lenses, facets that mark his life.

Hijo of a renowned French philosopher and a famous painter, Ricard created between intellectuals and public figures, acquiring a special passion for art, travel and the bustle of happiness.

Graduated as a doctor of molecular biology at the Pasteur Institute, Ricard decided to travel to the Himalayan region in 1972, where he met many people from a Buddhist monastery, so he decided to spend some months exploring his ideas, knowing that he was living all for ever.

Since then, Ricard has acquired a number of oriental spirituality, convirtiéndose in the personal assessor and translator of francs of the Dalai Lama and in a reviewer and writer reconciled at the international level.

“The most happy man on the planet”

The results show that Ricard has the highest level of activity in cerebral cortex, much to the detriment of the participants in the experiment.

“In general, these hallucinations are important because they show that the alterations in the cerebral cerebral circuits associated with the regulation of the emotions can produce median complete meditation,” said Dr. Richard Davidson, who conducted the study. this type has the key.

The studio, which includes more than 150 adults who practice regular manner meditation, performed during my three hours with each participant, exploring sensations of irritability, satisfaction, sadness, allegory, rabies, euphoria and other emotions and normal emotions be human.

The results vary between a scale of + 0.3 to -0.3, but the tests of Ricard alcanzaron result of -0.45, level never registered in another is human.

No to “selfish happiness”

“The search for selfish happiness does not work, it is a situation in which everything is pierced. On the contrary, altruism is a situation in which everything thrives. additionally, one feels a great congratulations on being amiable and benevolent “, said Ricard in an interview with the BBC.

The man, who has practiced celibacy since he was 30 years old and has no material possessions, indicates that neither sex nor money causes supremacy, but he has to support the material things and the obsession with posing.

“At the moment the aferramiento and the obsession are installed in us, you can be sure that the torment will be sold”, dijo, señalando as well as the addictions.

Precisely, Ricard acaba to publish a new book called ‘Viva la libertad’, in which he shares advice on happiness and on the best way to overcome problems and addictions that affect millions of people every day. The work was written next to the philosopher Alexandre Jollien and the psychiatrist Christophe André.

International Recognitions

Ricard, who is one of the first European monarchs to translate and carry out the Tibetan idiom, received the Orden Nacional al Mérito de France on his humanitarian work with the least favored communities in the Orient, In addition, all the regulations governing the existence of its books and conferences on social work projects in Nepal, India and Tibet, which provide medical and educational assistance to more than 300,000 beneficiaries annually.

The ‘French currency’, as it is known worldwide, is a frequent speaker at international events, such as the World Economic Forum, which has invited more than a decade of opportunities, as well as the United Nations (UN).

His photographs have also been shown in his books and exhibitions and exhibitions at a global level.

“It is the perfect opportunity to express our common sense of humanity, solidarity and work to build a better world. Human beings have a species of arrogance that has the idea that we will dominate nature, that we will manipulate genes, but we will “I have a small organism of tens of thousands of millimeters and can do everything in doubt”, he concluded.

