The minutes of diary exercise that mark the difference between health and well-being

It is not necessary to make different hours in the gym or give everyone a diary to increase our health. Various Studies and Proprietary World Health Organization (OMS) maintain that moving around 40 minutes every day we will have a better one in our health and maintenance state in many ways that, in the middle of nowhere, we can give life.

In December 2020, a study funded by the specialized publication British Journal of Sports Medicine read a series of conclusions about the physical activity that we need to combat the negative effects of 10 hours of life sedentary. We work our beds every so often and the sofa is a difficult attempt to avoid when we go home. Two realities that this year of pandemic have been raising.

Side view of active fit young woman in sportswear standing up opposite knees and hands, doing donkey-kick balance exercise, practicing yoga, strengthening full body, a healthy daily habits concept

Equipment, yoga, pilates, … his properties that can be realized in a house with the adequate belongings and cases in the medium

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A large studio

The sedentarism favors the development of high-risk nurses

The authors of the study study and analyze data on life habits and mobility procedures of more than 44,000 men and women from four countries during various years. An information that shows the large number of hours that are permanently sent in a room, in the work or in a transport medium, there are three days.

Lee also


Physical activity is key to a wide and salutary life

This sedentary life style favors the development of various diseases such as obesity, cardiopathy, type 2 diabetes, including all types of cancer. Physical activity escalation, combined with a balanced diet and an excess of stresses consist of a cocktail that in each of our health and can lead to premature death. His pathologies, in his majority, are associated with the style of life and are accepted and mediated that we are coming. Although this is a change.

Affected also in children and adolescents

The lack of physical activity is a bad habit that has no age

foto XAVIER CERVERA 13/03/2020 tras el cierre de escuelas decretado ayer por gobierno y govern (por en period de 15 dias), como prevention to avoid contagio de coronavirus (covid-19), ninos se han quedado en casa, contentos por no ir al cole, jugando a videojuegos (minecraft) o peleandose :) algo comun entre hermanos cuando pasan muchas horas juntos;  barcelona

The use of video games and entertainment through trouser work addresses the lack of physical activity in children and adolescents


The problem is not only affecting adults. The children and adolescents also increased their sedentary life in the last years. Addition to the favored video games, in good times, the descent of activity among the most youthful population and estimates of sobriety and obesity and temperate editions.

Lee also


La obesidad se instala in España

To compensate for this excess, the OMS recommends that children and adolescents dedicate one hour each day to physical activity. In the case of adults, this international body as the study published in the British Review, the demand is minor. Alrededor of 40 minutes of physical activity of moderate intensity to vigorous is, in the opinion of the experts, the necessary time to counteract the negative effects that provoke in the health 10 hours of sedentarism.

The positive effects empiezan to be visible from the 20 minute minutes, but if we double the number we will compensate in a more efficient way the effective effects of the lack of physical activity.

What is meant by moderate-intensity physical activity? Es un concepto muy amplio que podemos is similar to an estar en movimiento. To walk and climb escalators is, in adulthood, an appreciable asset. If we go fast, everything will have a more beneficial effect. For supuesto, it will be good to include other vigorous comics like bailar, nadar y montar en bicicleta, entre otros.
