The Ministry of Public Works will continue its work on the new media

Santo Domingo, RD.

The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic has a series of mediations with which all members of the Public Ministry, as well as their administrative staff, maintain the protocols which may expedite the promotion of COVID-19, without affecting it continuously. ciudadanía service.

The different departments will work on schedule from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

In a circular sent by José Manuel Abud Soler, Director of Humanitarian Affairs, to all members of the Public Ministry and its administrative staff, the Public Prosecutor’s Office reiterates that it is working to remedy vulnerable collaborators in health matters, and especially the mayors from 60 years of age, the women are embarrassed or in the process of lactation and staff with critical health condition certified certified.

The provisions of the Public Prosecutor’s Office are of “strict restriction, for the sake of concurrence with the collaborators of all in order to preserve the health of the collaborators and avoid the propaganda of the COVID-19”, record the institutional message.
