The Minister of Defense did not explain his case, reported by an engineer in a military brigade | El Salvador News

Merino Monroy confirmed several high-profile cases against Fuerza Armada that revealed the Diary of Hoy as one of the two officers given to him. Inside these are the coronel levanto the information about the hijo of the minister, a tenant of fragment. The official dio his version about this and other cases.

The Minister of Defense, Francis Merino Monroy, avoids referring this month to an interview on Channel 12 about the specific case of his brother-in-law, Gerardo Antonio Merino Marroquín, who was reported by his superiors to fail to comply ingerir licor y por hacer scandalo en la Brigada Aérea de Comalapa en plena emergencia por COVID-19.

“This is not the case,” the Minister replied in a first moment about the question about this incident. The law states that the inside of the armed institution sucksen many things and that it does not have everything because when it fails to exceed the normal levels, these are ventilated in the Tribunal de Honor.

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Monroy did not give any explanation of the incident involving him, a hecho who posted a memorandum, a copy of which was published by El Diario de Hoy on February 7, in which a coronal denounced various arbitrations that were ocurriendo dentro de la Fuerza Armada.

One of the arbitrators announced by the aviation coronel, Eduardo Alfonso Salazar García, was fired by the court for the decision of a superior to discipline a group of officials, between them and the mercenary of Minister Merino Monroy, by violating the norm de no ingerir licor debido a que estaban acuartelados y disponibles par attender quichquier requandimiento dada la sanitia emergencia.

The coronal Salazar García, who was second in command of this brigade, related to El Diario de Hoy that on March 20, he withdrew to his dormitory to disembark while the young officials had been arrested during the shooting. I immediately despised a grit and asked how to clear the door that there was a group of officials holding liqueur.

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The coronel ordered that he be allowed to sleep and that he follow the information given to his brigade commander and that he be informed of the commemoration of the commander of the Estado Mayor Conjunto de la Fuerza Armada (EMCFA), about the serious lack of comet and pilots two tenants of the Fragment of Naval Force.

In the box, the 11 officers were sent to the Sumpul Commando, to guard the fronts. According to the Salazar coronation, when Minister Merino Monroy entered the castle, he blamed him and questioned that “who created” to do so. The arrest alleges that he did not take part in the minister’s speech, which, according to the coronel, was “unjustified”.

Ayer, the Minister Merino Monroy signaled to Coronel Salazar to accumulate a series of errors and that was sanctioned by other authorities, a question that there are those who can not respond to his actions are justifiable. But Coronel Salazar told El Diario de Hoy that he was not alone in this incident of the minister’s incident, but that there was no lack of action for the degree or for the sake of the institution.

The case of gay men

A case similar to that of the Minister of Defense was the servant Cristian Adalberto Castro Grijalva, who has been convicted and has filed a lawsuit by the defendant who was dismissed by scandal in the public view that the transfer is his orientation.

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The Minister Merino Monroy confirmed the suspension for both years of service for insistence on what to do “disorder” and by “conducting it in public” not by sexual orientation. Also know that the hubiera is purple on the right.

According to Merino Monroy, this case was analyzed by the Tribunal of Honor and the case raised by the Presidential Court was followed by the trial before the court, including the Procuration by the Defense of the Human Rights and the finding of the hubiera violado derechos al oficial.

The tenure of Castro Grijalva is defined as homosexual and dice and is never a secret within the military unit where it is located. Explained that the animal of the castle lies and is degraded to the point of mandarin in the vicinity of the island of Meanguera, in La Union, a place where there is no drinking water, electricity or lettering.

He was accused of abortion and scandal in the public life of leaving with friends in a San Francisco Javier, in Usulután, as he was black, then said that no one was scandalous, except that as part of the diversity is colocaron takes women. Dice that alli a superior official and jefe direct of el hizo photos and even the nego when the day that it was illegal, were retrieved and the said tenths that “ya sabían los que les tocaba”.

The detention was held by the Police on April 14, 2020 due to the crime of resistance for the two days later, the Fiscalía ordered that he and another detainee commit crimes in liberty because he did not commit the crime. The evaluations of embryos that the Institute of Forensic Medicine has hizo, dictate that if you are in a normal state, ensure the official.

The coronel who directed the 9F military strike at the OEA

The Minister of Defense also confirmed that Coronel Rafael Antonio Urquilla Álvarez was appointed as the Defense Assembly in the Permanent Mission to the Organization of American States (OEA) in Washington.
Asked about the decision to send a diplomatic cargo after having commanded the military operation in the Legislative Assembly on February 9, 2020, the Minister said that the promotion of Coronel Urquilla Álvarez was a “normal” move in the legal institution to carry out the analysis on the capabilities and capabilities to dismantle an external cargo of Fuerza Armada.

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Merino Monroy also says that this type of promotion is because of the officials who come in need of a mandate opportunity and therefore it is necessary to open their spaces.

Regarding the insistence on holding Fuerza Armada to accompany President Nayib Bukele with a goal of Estado’s golfer on February 9, 2020, Merino Monroy said that if it was “paint the water”, it would paint nothing, because it is all is explained and clarified that the Ejército only branded security for President Bukele and that no hicieron would make it legal.

The 9F called for a black day in the Salvadoran democracy over the outbreak of the Salon Azul by force on the part of Bukele, who also used the chair of the Assembly of the Assembly and aborted the plenary session with the intention of pressuring him to I approve a presbytery.

Merino Monroy also defended the “transparency” with the fact that Dice works with the Fuerza Armada and that it includes including interiors such as the ones he announced to the officials. This includes a recent meeting with the EE Embassy Negotiators. UU., It is not clear to them that there is an apolitical role in the electoral process that they are assuring that they will play this role as Fuerza Armada and that the employee will support it.
