The Milky Way goticas of Doctor Maduro

Photo taken by the official of the Prince of the Palace of Miraflores to be observed by the President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro during an act of Gobierno, in Caracas (EFE)
Photo taken by the official of the Prince of the Palace of Miraflores to be observed by the President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro during an act of Gobierno, in Caracas (EFE)

Diez goticas debajo de la lengua cada cuatro horas, ¡y el milagro se hace!”. This is the president of Venezuela January 21, ensuring that the formula is capable of “neutralizeThe coronavirus is 100 per cent and announces that, very soon, it will be sent to the World Health Organization for its certification. If the panorama of the pandemic, in Venezuela and in the world, no tragedy will take place, quizas this anecdote may be chistosa. But there are three million deaths on the planet conspired against humor.

Hase dos semanas, el Gobierno venezolano y la oposition op llegaron a un acordo para —a través del Covax, an international program created to ensure equitable access to inoculations— buy and distribute vehicles against COVID-19 in Venezuela. The Paris Pact will be the culmination of a process that kicks off in June 2020 and marks the start of a mayoral political negotiation, which will once again have a plausible possibility of a deep-crisis dialogue that will pave the way for the country. All of them, without embarrassment, are separated in two seconds. Last time, an official juvenile wanted to demonstrate that chavismo had no interest in negotiating, that it was necessary to use the disease and have the death to obtain a benefit.

The official release of the vacancy AstraZeneca has interrupted the process that impedes the legacy of vacancies, just when — as soon as the governing body is recognized — the country finds itself in the phase of killing the pandemic. Although, in general, it has always had reliable and reliable information about the virus — official figures show a total of 160,497 positive cases in 1,602 defunctions — and at present there are indications of a saturation of hospital emergencies in Karakas, the situation is under control. The medical body continues to report injuries, and in March an increase of 48 health workers’ injuries was reported. Social networks are repeated every month with high frequency messages with clinical help petitions or death notifications.

For what exactly now, in the case of circumcision, does chavismo reject vacancies? Because its logic is different, because of its priority in its victims, because its actions are not destined to await its emergence — more well — to approve the operation of its objectives, of his accumulation and permanence plan in the power.

Tras culpar to the opposition, the Gobierno has a new proposal: use other vacancies, some of the Cuban formulas — Abdala or Soberana 02 — and the Russian Sputnik V. The first ones, without embarrassment, are located only during the experimental phase, and, in most cases, it will be possible to use them within several months. The second will take place on the other day of the governor’s promise: November 15, 2020, Maduro announced the purchase of diez millions of vacancies a Quarrel, said that it was applying in the first quarter of this year and that Venezuela was manufacturing in its territory. Hasta ahora, sondeverbod, geen hooi ninguna información clara al respecto. Alone Maduro and his wife appeared on television receiving his dose of vacancies.

The dictator Nicolás Maduro receives his dose of Sputnik V on March 6th.  It's one of the few Venezuelans to receive the vaccine against COVID-19 in Venezuela (Reuters)
The dictator Nicolás Maduro receives his dose of Sputnik V on March 6th. It’s one of the few Venezuelans to receive the vaccine against COVID-19 in Venezuela (Reuters)

While reality appears to begin to disembark, the official discourse maintains its incoherent tone, including delirious moments. The periodical Florantonia Sanger I have a letter register of the “casualties“The Maduro during the pandemic: según él, el COVID ha sido desde “a war army“Hasta un”Colombian virus“And its possible cures can be from the”homeopathy“Hasta una”molecule“Creation in Venezuela, passing, it is clear, by the fabled”goticas milagrosas”. It is absurd that these cases involve a homelessness — involuntary and permanent — a Cantinflas. Si mañana Nicolás Maduro insurer, with a male stethoscope, which has a new vacancy at the base of seminars of guayaba fermented in orines of marine leopard, nadie on the planet is surprised. No balde, to promote false or misleading information, Facebook acaba to block your account.

But this discursive chaos alone is an affair. Disfraza un orden distinto, más profundo y más wrede. How to affirm the political science Paola Bautista, the chavismo has not made an approximation to the problem of the COVID of “sino humanitarian key in power key”. Now it is time to move on from the tragedy. More about the situation of the citizens, without a clear evacuation plan and with a health system that has been debilitated since before the pandemic, Maduro only wants to gain ground, liberate from international pressure, annul the organized and independent civil society, advance in his totalitarian project.

The chavismo gives in an extra limbo the possibility of lleguen vacunas a Venezuela, pero, mientras tanto, sigu actuande con punctual eficacia en su modelo de control: basta record that casi 3,000 persons were executed by police or by military during 2020. This week, by publishing a chronicle in a social network, the detainees were detained Milagros Mata Gil y Juan Manuel Muñoz.

Repression, censorship and poverty are the “gotasReales that the doctor Maduro the application to the Venezuelans.

© The New York Times


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