The Mexican magnate Carlos Slim from positive to covid-19

Mexico City

Carlos Slim Domit, Mexican magnate Carlos Slim Helú, informed via Twitter that his father assisted at the Institute of Nutrition to carry out clinical, monitoring and treatment opportunities provided by Covid.

“The comments that my father had on preventive treatment at the National Institute of Nutrition for clinical analysis, monitoring and treatment opportunities, are very good and have led to a very favorable evolution in Covid up to one week from minor symptoms“, dijo Slim Domit about the state of health of his father.

Carlos Slim is currently the 12th on the global list of Millionaires of Forbes with a fortune of 59 900 million dollars.

LEA: AMLO from positive to covid-19 and receiving medical assistance

The millionaire, who is the richest man in the country, finds itself in the group of people who are more capitalizing the pandemic.

Carlos Slim holds shares in Mexican construction companies, consumer goods, mining and real estate and 17% of The New York Times.

Recently, the investor invested 230 million dollars in shares of the PBF Energy and PBF Logistics petroleum refinery.

With this, Empresarial Capital Capital’s conversion into the main shareholder of PBF Energy and the second mayor of PBF Logistics, both companies owned in New Jersey, United States, agreed with information from Bloomberg.
